Chapter 7- A Confession

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One week later
8:30 PM
Ochaco Uraraka

Kyouka: Hey Ochaco

Ochaco: Hey

Kyouka: Are you ok? I know that what happened with Bakugo was hard on you.

Ochaco: No I'm fine. Just exhausted. Between hero work and the situation with Bakugo, it's mentally taxing. I never have time to myself anymore.

Kyouka: But you still have time for Midoriya.

I didn't respond.

Kyouka: Oh come one Ochaco, we both know you have a gigantic crush on him.

Ochaco: It doesn't matter.

Kyouka: Yes it does.

Ochaco: Just leave me alone.

Kyouka: You know what, I have an idea. Why don't you come over and hang out with us. Take the day off, because you need it.

Ochaco: Fine. I'll be over in a few minutes.

Kyouka: Great! See ya in a bit!

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I had just taken an afternoon nap. I got dressed, just putting on a white t-shirt, and shorts, with a nice white sweater. I packed some things, knowing that Kyouka would turn it into a sleepover. I opened the door to my house, walked to my car, started it, and drove to Kyouka and Kaminari's house.

Kyouka Jiro

"She's coming over Denki."

"Cool! How about Midoriya?"

"I got him coming to." The doorbell rang. "That must be him right now." I walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there was my childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya. "Midoriya!"

"Hey Jirou. Nice to finally see you again." Midoriya stated. He took off his sunglasses and walked in. He was wearing a
t-shirt with the Nike logo on it, and some blue jeans. "Nice house you got here. Did you buy it, or are you just renting it?"

"We bought it." I answered. "We make quite a bit of money as professional heroes."

"I noticed." He replied. "Is there anyone else you're inviting for our, as you call it, 'game time'?" He asked. I giggled a little bit. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing." I responded. "We did ask Ochaco to come though." At the mention of Ochaco, I could see a tint of red run over his face, just beneath his eyes.

"Ochaco? Cool, I haven't seen her since the incident." We walked into the living room, where Denki was. Apparently , he heard out conversation, as he jumped right in.

"Hey Midoriya, when are you gonna ask her out?" I slapped him. "Ouch! Sorry for asking." I knew he had taken it a bit far when I saw Midoriya turn a bright shade of red.

"N-No! It's not l-like that! Besides I hardly know her." He sputtered.

"Yeah right. You two have been with each other everywhere these last few weeks." Denki retorted.


"Yes Midoriya?"

"Shut up."


Then, there was another knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I said. I walked over and opened it. Standing there was Ochaco.

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