Chapter 11- Getting Ready (+ an A/N)

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Yay! I'm surprised I'm still writing this! I thought it would get like no views, but we're already to 700! Thank you so much! Also, to clear things up, Yes, Bakugo dated Ochaco through high school and some time afterwards. You will figure out more about that later, in another chapter. I already have an idea for a chapter with Bakugo and a special someone, except, I don't know who I want that special someone to be. Alright, enjoy the chapter! (By the way, I don't NOT ship Kacchako or Kacchaco)

I also want to thank everybody who votes on this story, and leaves comment. Your comment help me keep going! They are what inspire me to do this. There are a few certain people who have commented a lot on this book, so I would like to tell you who they are. Thank you to:



Thank you guys! Also to you other guys who left comments! You guys are great too! I also got ideas for the story from Izuoto so thank you!

3rd person POV

Izuku couldn't decide what to wear for their date. Formal? Or Casual? His head hurt, and he couldn't decide. He wasn't exactly what you would call an expert in that field. He had left that to his mom, before she passed away. Izuku sighed and pulled out his phone.

Izuku: Jirou? I need your help.

Jirou: For your date with Ochaco?

Izuku: Yes.

Jirou: Alright I'll be right over.

Kyouka Jirou

I put my phone away and laughed. This was perfect. What he didn't realize was Ochaco had asked me the exact same thing. I looked at her and put a finger to my lip. I wasn't much for fashion, but I was much better at casual then I was at formal.

"Well, What do you think?" Ochaco asked. She was wearing a white shirt with blue stripes, and a blue skirt.

"You look great! You'll have Midoriya speechless!" I answered. She blushed slightly, and looked down at her clothes.

"I don't feel great......"

"Aw, come on, it'll go just fine!"

"I hope you're right."

I looked down at my phone. It was 6:00 P.M. Their date started in an hour and a half. I had to get Midoriya ready.

"Well, I've got to go Ochaco. Don't have a mental breakdown before your date." I waved goodbye.

"O-Ok, b-bye Kyouka."


Time skip brought to you by- You. The awesome reader who leaves a comment. Or votes. Or both. Or just reads this book. Thank you.

I knocked on the door of Midoriya's House, and he answered right away.

"Hi Mi-" He pulled me in his house right away.

"J-Jirou! I-I don't know what to wear, or what to do! I've been trying to-"

"Woah! Midoriya! Calm down! I can help, you just chill out." I grabbed him by the shoulders, and he quickly calmed down.

"I-I'm Sorry Jirou. A friend of mine just left, and he didn't help much."

"It's good. Do you have any clothes picked out?


"Here, C'mon, I'll help you."

Time skip to where they get him clothes.

"There! You look smashing Midoriya!" I said. He was wearing a blue shirt and black sweatpants.

"I'm just wearing normal clothes Jirou."

"Exactly! Ochaco is going to love it!"

"Alright, I guess I trust you."


3rd person POV

"They're going on a date?" Bakugo asks.

"Yeah. They're going to that café downtown." A guy in black says.

"Perfect. I can swoop in and start the mission. Oh, and how do you know all of this information? I know those two don't reveal secrets to their people quite easily."

"Oh, it's easy. I visited Midoriya, and he told me everything on accident."

"Ha! The loser can't even keep his mouth shut." Bakugo turned to the man sitting next to him. "Make sure they don't find out you're the one passing on information."

The man pulled his mask off.


Yes I know, super short chapter, but I mostly put this chapter out for the authors note. Can you blame me? And yes, I made Todoroki a traitor. I feel bad, because I really like Todoroki, but it's definitely worth it.

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