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5 years later....

3rd person POV

"Izuku!" Izuku turned around to see his now girlfriend Ochaco Uraraka, wearing a black dress with black gloves and a cute white bow tie in her hair.

"Ochaco!" He smiled to see her. Work had been hard, so they hadn't been able to see each other as often as they had hoped. Ever since Bakugo turned himself in 5 years ago, villains had been trying to take the new title as the top villain. Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the other league members had all been executed. Bakugo had been cut a deal. He turned himself in, and he wouldn't be killed. His sentence is 50 years, up for parole after 10.

"How are you Izuku?" She got really close to his face. Even after all this time, he still got flustered when they got close. He backed away a little bit.

"I-I'm Ok. How about you? I know it's not easy falling so far in the hero rankings."

"Whatever. I may not be the symbol of peace or number one anymore, but I'm ok at #7. Besides, then my boyfriend is number one." She punched his arm lightly.

"Anyways, are you ready to go?" He held out his hand, and she took, linking their fingers together. They walked to the meeting spot, a small hill not far from UA, together, getting a few "awwws" along the way. Izuku looked at his phone when they got there.

"It's 2:21. They should be here." He scanned the the hill, looking for a certain pair of people. Finally, he spotted a man with half white and half red hair, standing next to a ravenette haired girl, standing next to the side of a tree. Izuku waved to him, and the man noticed them.


"Todoroki!" He was wearing a nice, dark blue, suit

"How are you?" Midoriya learned in. "Did you ask her yet?" Todoroki's face lit up. He pulled a box out of his pocket.The two females were too engaged in their conversation to notice the two whispering.

"Waiting for the right moment."

"That's awesome man!" Izuku exclaimed, congratulating his friend.

"What about you?" Todoroki whispered.

"W-Well....." He patted his pocket. "Same." Todoroki chuckled at Midoriya's nervousness.

"Hey, we're in the same boat dude." They broke off the conversation when the girls stopped talking.

"Are you two ready to go?" Ochaco asked.

"Of course." Midoriya and Todoroki answered.

"Alright. Let's go you two knuckleheads." Momo said, leading the way.

Time Skip

The group of four walked into the huge church. The gathering they were going to was quite small, as not many people had known the man himself.

A man in handcuffs and spiky blonde hair passed Izuku. Izuku did a double take to make sure he saw correctly. It was Bakugo. Led by two policeman.

"Kacchan?" Bakugo turned his head, giving the tiniest hint of a smile, even though it looked as though he had been crying.

"Hey Deku." With that, he was led out of the church.

Izuku felt himself stiffen as he got in line to go up to the casket. A small hand touched his back soothingly.

"Thanks Ochaco."

"No problem Izuku."

They got in line behind Todoroki and Momo. While Midoriya stood in line, he did anything to pass the time. He looked around the huge church, looked at Todoroki and Momo whispering, he even watched Kaminari and Jirou flirt relentlessly, despite already being engaged. Finally, it was Ochaco's turn. She went up and did her thing. Suddenly, it was his turn. He stepped up, taking a deep breath, and then looked at the man in the casket.

"Hey Toshinori." Midoriya said to the dead man. He felt his eyes start up his classic waterworks, but he fought with them, and succeeded in holding them back. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to say goodbye. You taught me how to be a good hero, you taught me how to fight. Everything you've done for me, you did out of the kindness of your heart. I-I'm sorry I wasn't able to thank you. You really deserve my thanks. "It's thanks to you I'm a hero, really, and it's thanks to you that I got the love of my life." He let his tears take over, and he started crying silently. He noticed a slip of paper in the old mans hand, and Izuku grabbed it. He read the slip and looked at it. It read:

Izuku Midoriya. Thank you for everything you did for me. You showed me what a true hero is. If you're crying, please don't. Soon, I hope, I will have made it into the land of God.

Goodbye, Izuku Midoriya, and take care of Ochaco for me.

Toshinori Yagi

Izuku stopped crying as he read the message. When he was finished, he sensed the presence of another person. He turned his head and saw Ochaco standing behind him, with tears running down her face, her lip quivering, as she clutched her dress. Izuku gave her a really tight hug.

"Everything will be ok. He's in a better place now."

Even though he said that, he started crying too.

The final Time Skip in this book is brought to you by the ultimate BROTP, Tododeku. You heard me fangirls. BROTP, not OTP.

Izuku and Ochaco were standing outside the alleyway where they first met, right after the funeral.

"Why did you take me here Izuku?" Ochaco asked. Her eyes were still puffy from all of the crying.

"Because. It's where we first met, over five years ago."

"Right after a funeral though?" She asked.

"Well..." Izuku started. "I know All Might just died, a-and I'm sad too, b-but..." Izuku got on one knee and pulled out he box.

"Please marry me?"

Ochaco was shell-shocked. She was unresponsive for sometime before mumbling something.

"You had to propose when I look like this? I look horrible." Even with her puffy red eyes, her old mustard-stained UA t-shirt, and her hair all over the place, that wasn't what Izuku thought.

"I don't think you look horrible." He got off of his knee and gave her a hug. "You always look beautiful."

"T-Thanks Izuku, But you don't mean that."

"Of course I mean that! Why do you think I fell in love with you? You're kind, smart, beautiful, you really are the whole package." Ochaco started blushing deeply at his kind words.

"Ok." Was All She could say.


"Yes I will marry you." She pulled him off his knee and gave him a sweet kiss. It never got old to Izuku, each kiss was better than the last.

"I know we met here, but this isn't the most romantic spot Izuku." Ochaco let out a small chuckle.

"I don't care. All I care about is you."


"Because you loved me, even when I was nobody."


"Even when I was...."

"Even when you were?"


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