Chapter 16- All Might's Apology

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3rd person POV (I'm using this so I can call everyone who we know the real names too, by their real names)

Ochaco flung herself at Izuku, in an attempt to attack him. He easily dodged it using One for All. He wasn't going to be able to get help from the heroes, because they were busy holding down the villains. He didn't want to hurt her, so smashing her was out of the question. What could he do?

Ochaco touched a broken metal pillar on the ground, giving it no weight at all, and picked it up. She started swinging it around, hitting pieces of rock she had touched before. It hit its mark, knocking Izuku down. Another rock hit Ingenium, knocking him off of Kurogiri. Kurogiri then opened a warp hole. Ochaco was able to free Bakugo from Kamui Woods, and Shigaraki from Best Jeanist, and they teleported away. As they were teleporting away, Ochaco gave Izuku a look.

A look that just screamed "I recognize you, but from where?"

"Damnit!" Izuku sobbed. He couldn't believe they had gotten away. "I thought we had them!"

"Midoriya." It was Hawks. "Was That Uravity?" He asked.


"What happened to her?"

"She's been brainwashed."


"You didn't hear what I said t-to Tsukaiuchi?"

"In my defense, it's raining cats and dogs."

Izuku walked out of the building, and he and the heroes explained everything that happened. Izuku saw something that he never thought he would see All Might do. He saw a tears streaming down his face. His smile was gone. He poofed to his normal form, and cried some more.

"All Might..." Tsukaiuchi spoke up.

"It's ok, I'm fine." He wiped the tears off of his face. "I'm good."

"Now what?" Izuku asked. He, too, had been crying.

"We Wait. They're the League of Villains after all. They'll do something illegal, and boast about it." He stopped to wipe his tears again. "I promised my teacher that I would do as she did to me, and watch after my successor, even if she doesn't have that power anymore. We will find her, no matter what." He turned back to Izuku. "Do you agree?" Izuku nodded.

"No matter what." All Might hugged the man. Izuku was surprised, but accepted it.

"And Midoriya?"


"I'm sorry. For what I said to you when you were a boy." Midoriya was surprised by his apology, but knew he was sincere.

"It's ok All Might. I forgive you." They broke the hug, and All Might smiled.

"Now let's go. We need some rest. I can see you've been stressing yourself out. I know we haven't been able to secure her, but at least we know she's safe." Izuku smiled back.

"Y-Yeah....let's get some rest."

All Might held out his hand. Izuku looked at it for a second, before shaking it.

Yes, I know I agreed to do longer chapters, but I wanted to separate this chapter and the next one.

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