Chapter 17- The Plight of Rebirther

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Just a picture I found on on Deviant Art, a crossover of two shows with The most Toxic Fandoms ever. Also, it's Izuocha, so yeah.

Keke Nialliv

We warped all the way to the other side of town, on a beach full of garbage, with me landing headfirst. I groaned and rubbed my head, trying to nullify the pain. Next, came Shigaraki and Bakugo, both handcuffed. Kurogiri then warped himself to our location.

"Damnit Kurogiri, you had to make me land on my head?" I complained.

"You'll be fine Keke." He responded.

"Are you going to untie us or what?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yeah, come on, untie us dumbasses!" Bakugo yelled.

"Fine! Calm down Bakugo!" I retorted. "Besides, you can't untie handcuffs."

"You get the idea!" Bakugo sneered.

"We don't have the key, so we'll have to break them." I said. I happened to see a hammer laying in the sand, so I picked it up, and smashed their handcuffs. They got up without thanking me at all.

"Where's the other two Kurogiri?" Shigaraki asked.

"They were apprehended." Kurogiri responded.

"Damnit! Now all we have left for big guns are these two."

"What about Mr. Compress? And the guy with the knives? I always forget his name...." Kurogiri asked.

"They don't count. They're more situational." Shigaraki sighed. "Whatever. You two." He pointed at Bakugo and Keke. "Get some sleep. We have another big day tomorrow."

"Where are we even going to sleep?" I asked.

"Right here in the sand. We can't go back to the hideout, because they'll have that place full of heroes." He pointed at Bakugo. "Create a shelter using one of your quirks."

Bakugo mumbled something about just going to a hotel.

"Just do it!" Shigaraki yelled. Bakugo created a small tent using one of his quirks, one for each of the four. I went inside my tent, and I found a small blanket inside with a small pillow. I could here Bakugo doing the same in the tent beside me. I relaxed and let thoughts invade my mind. Thoughts such as, Who was that green haired police man? Why was he so familiar? Why couldn't I remember anything past a week ago? And why was his name the only thing I could remember? I slowly drifted off into sleep, strangely dreaming about that man.

Time Skip Brought to you by Miraculous Ladybug and My Hero Academia. Good shows with toxic Fandoms.

I woke up after a while. It was still dark outside, so I think I only slept for a few hours. I look out the little hole in my tent, and saw Shigaraki standing next to Kurogiri. I was about to ask what time it was, when I heard Shigaraki start talking.

"You picked a good place Kurogiri. A beach full of trash, and hiding the tents in the mountains of it, perfectly hidden. This was good for one night."

"Thanks Tomura. I'm just upset we couldn't save the other two. We lost a lot of firepower."

"Correct. We need to recruit more people now." They stayed silent for a bit, before Kurogiri spoke up.

"So, why did All for One give give Bakugo all of his quirks instead of you?" Kurogiri asked.

"Well, the accumulation of all those quirks can harm ones body, and as you saw with my master, his face was unfortunately deformed by the stockpiling of all those quirks. So, just before he died from his fatal injury delivered by Pro Hero Lemillion, he transferred half of his quirks to Bakugo, and died with the rest. He actually gave Bakugo his quirk as a whole, because I asked him to." This was news to my ears. I had never heard any of this stuff.


"Because I didn't want to have all those quirks. Bakugo's body can't hold any more quirks, and if he were to take any more, his body would slowly become deformed from the repercussions of the quirks. His body is already at his limit."

"Why didn't you take any quirks in yourself?"

"I don't like to fight myself. I prefer to let my underlings do the work." He stopped to take a breath. "Let's talk about something else now. Let's leave that subject."

"Do you think Keke will find out she wasn't always like this?" Kurogiri asked. I was surprised at the words he used. What did he mean by that?

"Well, only time will tell if Keke's memories come back. And if they do....." Shigaraki motioned towards the tent Bakugo was in. My mouth was slightly opened as I listened to them. Was I hearing them right?

"Let's just hope she doesn't realize she's actually the Pro Hero Uravity." My eyes widened. That word rung in my head. Uravity. All of the sudden, memories came flooding back. Of big fights with villains, of her breaking up with Bakugo, and then, of a certain boy. One with green hair and emerald eyes. She remembered her kidnapping, and the torture she went through.

Ochaco Uraraka was back.

I was scared. What if they found out my memories were back? I shook my head vigorously. I wouldn't let that happen. I would blend in for the time being, until I had the chance to escape. I crawled through the hole in the tent, and walked over to the two. They looked at me in confusion.

"Keke? What are you doing up?" Kurogiri asked.

"Yeah, Keke, t-that's my name!" The two looked at me in confusion.

"Are you feeling alright Keke?" Kurogiri asked.

"To be honest, I feel a little sick, but I'll be fine. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, but I couldn't sleep." Shigaraki just sighed.

"Whatever. It's currently....." Shigaraki looked at his phone. "5:30 in the morning." Shigaraki said.

"Do you have anything to wake me up? Im not going to be able to go back to sleep."

"Here." Kurogiri handed me a glass full of coffee. "Drink this."

"How did you even get coffee?"

"Oh, Bakugo made some with his quirk last night. He used another to make it stay hot."

"Oh. Thanks." I said. I accepted it and drank some. It tasted fine. I finished it, handed it back to Kurogiri, and walked over to the water.

How I wish I could just run away right now.

How I wish I could find Izuku, and just never let go.

But right here, and right now, I'm stuck here. Unable to leave, or they'll find out I'm sane again.

I'm stuck here with a bunch of monsters.

Btw, can anyone find out why that is Keke's last name? Just wondering if you're smart enough ;)

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