We got down from the roof and sneaked to the car park. He got in his car and started it up, then looked at me, obviously waiting for me to get in.
"Are you getting in?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows confused.
"Okay I know I've already said this, but I don't know you that well. You could be like an axe murderer or something crazy." I said to him, he chuckled finding it funny.
"I think if I was a murder I would have either killed you like instantly as soon as I met you or building it up." He told me.
"You're worrying me now, what if you're just doing it unexpectedly?"
"Marsha." He said putting his hand on his forehead in frustration.
"Give me one reason why I should risk my life to get in that car with you?" I asked him half-smiling pointing at him sitting in the car.
"Okay I'll give you a few, one I'm extremely attractive and you would be missing on a great opportunity, two you'll be getting out of school and third, if my gut is telling me right then I've got a really good feeling about you Marsha. So will you just get in?" He laughed. He looked up at me with those eyes of his. Those weren't the eyes of any murderer. Which was obvious I knew that as soon as they sunk into my memory. I just liked to play around a bit.
I sighed and opened the door into his car, I clicked in my seat belt and looked over at him. He smiled at me proud of himself for getting me into the car. "See? You're still alive?"
"Yeah, for now."
He began to drive. The atmosphere between us was very silent and awkward. I was frantically thinking fast of things to say or hoping he would, which eventually thank fuck he did.
"So tell me about yourself then," he said changing his focus between me and the road in front of him.
"What do you wanna know?"
"Everything, tell me it all." He smiled. "What's your name?"
"It's Marsha." I laughed. "Y'know that."
"I thought that was just short for something," he chucked to himself. "So Marsha..?"
"Marsha Brooks."
"Marsha? Marsha... not marshal?"
I nodded again. "So what's your name?"
"Billie Joe."
"Your second's names joe? I've never heard that before."
He shook his head. "No that's my first name. My second names Armstrong."
"Oh like the guy who went to the moon?" I said taking the piss. He rolled him eyes as we parked into the car park at the new café in town.
We got in an ordered some food and sat down and waited, he carried on to question me.
"So what do you do?" He asked me intrigued.
I just shrugged. I didn't do a whole lot of interesting shit. "Nothing really."
"No hobbies, no collections, no-"
"-nope, what about you?"
"Well," he smiled sitting up in his chair, happy I asked. "I'm in a band."
"A band?"
"Yeah," he nodded proudly. I saw the light in his eyes as if he was a little child. "I'm the singer, I also do guitar."
"So it's like a real band?"
"Oh yeah, there's me, tre, and mike. Tre does the drums. Mike does the backup vocals and he also does bass and I sing and guitar." He told me getting really into it.

A fire burns today // Billie joe fan fiction
FanfictionMy life had been a cycle of the same continuous, boring activities until suddenly tangled with a trio of mischievous misfits. I hadn't understood the real concepts of having fun as a teenager until Billie Joe and his two friends had strolled along...