I got home and Alice had texted me.
Alice: where were you last period, I had to walk home on my own too. where did you even go?
I didn't know whether I was supposed to tell her or lie. She would be angry if she found out I had skipped school, she cares about my education or so she says she does and my behaviour. so I guess I had to lie.
Me: I went home ill, I didn't feel well. I'm sorry.
Alice: I guess it's just a coincidence that Billie wasn't in last period too?
Me: what are you on about?
Alice: you and Billie both were here this morning but wasn't in chemistry, is there something you should tell me?
Me: no not at all, I didn't even know about Billie until you said. I really don't feel well Alice okay? I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow
She left me on read.
*the next morning*
I took my place on the school bus sitting next to Alice. I smiled at her and she gave me a half-smile back.
"You okay?" I asked her a little worried.
She sighed. "Marsha I know you said you're telling the truth but I just feel like your lying," she breathed out looking up. "I'm sorry if you're not but I just have this feeling you skipped last period or something with Billie."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, none of you were in the last period and- I just have a feeling okay? Are you telling the truth?"
I sighed. And told her everything missing out where the field actually was.
"Marsha you can't get inter winded with Armstrong! That kid is like danger, he's like- I don't even know!"
She wouldn't shut up about it until we reached school and had to go our separate ways for first class. But talking so much about Billie made me want to see him in some strange sense.
I sat down for English as I heard someone pull up the spare seat next to my desk. I ignored it and began doodling in the back of my English book as the teacher explained what she needed to.
"Hey, have you got a spear pen? I lost mine." A familiar voice next to me asked. I looked up to see none other than Billie joe. "Oh hey Marsha." He smirked.
"Hi Billie." I smiled rolling my eyes as I got him a pen from my pocket. He thanked me as he quickly began scribbling on a notebook.
"What you writing?" I asked him interested.
"Curiosity killed the cat y'know?" He smiled looking up. I nodded.
"So you've said, now tell me. What are you writing down?" I asked him as I looked over his shoulder trying to read it, he quickly covered the writing over with his arm.
"Just some lyrics, band practice tonight."
"Oh really? You're really serious with this band thing?" I asked somewhat surprised.
He nodded.
"I think your bands great from what I've heard." I smiled sweetly. I watched as the tip of his nose began to turn a slight shade of pink.
"T-thanks." He smiled looking away.
"Mr Armstrong, are you blushing?"
"What- no!"
There was a brief moment of silence.
"Do you wanna join?" He asked me but his eyes seemed to be glued to his notebook.
"What your band, no I'm okay."
"No you idiot," he chuckled. "Band practice, do you wanna," he began to seem nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck and dodged meeting his eyes with mine. "I mean if you can- like listen?"
I went to open my mouth before he cut me off.
"You don't have to! I'm just trying to be nice y'know by-"
"-Billie joe I would love to." I smiled. "But will your band members mind?"
"Oh no! Course not!"
"Okay then," I nodded smiling. "I guess I could join."
"Awesome- cool even. Cool, Here's the address." He said writing on another note as he ripped it out and passed it to me. "Be there for eight Brooks."
I nodded, "yes sir."

A fire burns today // Billie joe fan fiction
FanfictionMy life had been a cycle of the same continuous, boring activities until suddenly tangled with a trio of mischievous misfits. I hadn't understood the real concepts of having fun as a teenager until Billie Joe and his two friends had strolled along...