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     Vien's Pov:

I wake up to find Siren lying his head on his arms beside my bed. I look around to what seems like the cave for injured merfolks. My motion stirs Siren and soon he has a surprised look on his face as he stares at me.

"Oh my god, I thought we lost you, Vien!" He says while choking me with a big bear hug. I grin and pat his head. "Only I get to decide when I die in this world."

He releases me and has crying puppy eyes which make me want to fangirl so much, but I resist.

"Jeez, I'm not dead! The dude just slashed my arm, not my spine!" Bad reference/joke, I know.

A thought crosses my mind after I look behind Siren to the many injured merfolks.

"Uh, how long have I been out for?" "You lost a lot of blood from your arm. The barracuda managed to cut one of your veins. You've been unconscious for 4 days... The barracudas... they attacked again yesterday, but we managed to capture all of them. Some of us... got hurt." He has that guilty look he had in the webtoon when Skiff got a scar on his eye...

I was debating on whether I should warn them about day 9 or not that I missed my chance. I could have saved Skiff. Everything would have stayed the same or better, everything would have become better. Skiff would have still been noticed by Siren, and everyone's relationship with everyone else would have stayed the same. The only difference being that Skiff wouldn't be half blind now.

Siren blames himself for it, but the real person to put blame at is me.

"Siren... I want you to know that whatever is bothering you, is not your fault. Don't fret over something out of your control." He seems surprised, but then nods and smiles.

"Thanks, Vien. You always seem to know how to get me in a better mood. I hope your arm feels okay." Oh right, I must have a scar now.

I look at my arm... to find nothing?

I must have a confused look on my face because Siren speaks out. "Ah, right! We were all puzzled as well. One moment your arm was a bloody mess, but the next it was completely healed with no sign that it was ever slashed at. You were still unconscious from the blood loss and were supposed to be awake in a week or two. But I guess whatever made your wound go from a scar to invisible, made you awake one and half weeks earlier than estimated."

All I can say is "Oh." All these crazy things going on is exhausting to keep up with.

At least if I ever go back home, I won't have to come up with an answer for why I have a scar on my arm. Healing abilities are a nice touch to a foreign place where I have a higher chance of being killed than in my room reading webtoons.

I decide to push all these thoughts away for now and come up with a different topic. "So, did you have time to go sort things out with Kappa?" Immediately after mentioning his name, Siren gives a huge frown.

"A lot has happened since... since you were unconscious. It's been quite eventful."

I'm definitely digging deeper. You can't hide anything from me, Siren!!! I shall not allow it!!!

"I sense a flashback." He gives me a troubled look. "Come on! Keep me updated on the outside world while I'm dying from boredom and blood loss from a vanishing wound!" That gets a chuckle out of him.

"Okay... But, before I tell you, just know that nobody blames you for anything."

Wait wha-

"Okay." Siren takes a deep breath and starts.


     Kappa's Pov:

I look at the cell bars and frown. The little fish try to make me feel better by hugging my cheeks. I sigh and lay back down on the soft ground. After what happened, my chances of freedom are down to 0%.

Castle Swimmer (Kappa x Siren)Where stories live. Discover now