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I feel a soft surface below my head.

Huh? Is this sand? A jellyfish?

A pillow...?

I open my eyes to see the ceiling of my room. My half open window inviting in a breeze and the sound of chirping birds. 

Wait. Something feels different... Are dreams supposed to feel that real?

The last thing I remember is getting Siren and Kappa together and me being stabbed by Queen Suska. Wait, why can't I remember anything before that? Is that how dreams work? I'll only remember the ending, but not the beginning or middle? WHAT?!

Gah, this would've been such a good story, why can't I remember anything?!

Wait, oh ya!

I think my hand got sliced, right? And Kappa went out of the cave prison thingy? Maybe..? Uhmmm.





This is so frustrating... 

Whatever. I'll just think about it later. 

15 minutes later, my door slams shut as I get ready for school.




EvERYoNe LiVes A hApPy LiFE AnD NoBoDy DieS WaHoOoOoOoOoOOOOOooooooo

*Yeets book into the void of procrastination and lack of determination and motivation*


Castle Swimmer (Kappa x Siren)Where stories live. Discover now