Bye-Bye Mercedes (Asian F)

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"Five, six, seven, eight," said Parker.

The booty camp was practicing their pivot turns.

Mr. Schue smiled at everyone then heard the side stage door close, "you're late."

"I know. I overslept," responded Mercedes.

Quinn gave her a questioning look, "it's four-thirty in the afternoon."

"My alarm clock went off thirty minutes late this morning," continued Mercedes, "kind of shifted my whole schedule. Anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

Santana rolled her eyes, "I've re-swung my allegiance to the glee club without telling coach Sue."

"Mercedes, I'll catch you up," said Mike walking over to the middle of the stage, "five, six, seven, eight."

They do the pivot turns along with step turns, then in the middle of it, Mercedes starts to gag. She then runs to the nearest trash bin to prevent throwing up on the floor.

Mr. Schue runs up behind her, "Mercedes, you okay?"

"My stomach hurts," she responds.

The rest of the glee club rolls their eyes knowing she's lying.

"Why are you babying her?" asked Santana, "I mean, she can't do three steps without puking cause she ate a Quiznos before she showed up in this joint."

Mercedes shook her head, "Mr. Schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, glee club, and booty camp; what else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do," said Santana.

"Oh, like you eat," responded Mercedes.

"It's not about eating, it's about attitude," said Mr. Schue, "sectionals are coming up and if we don't give it our all-"

"I'm doing my best," said Mercedes.

Mr. Schue shook his head, "no you're not. It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

Everyone looks at each other knowing they're gonna have to push themselves harder than they're doing right now.


Parker was walking out of her English class when Rachel and Kurt stopped her.

"Hey Parker, here take the pin. It's for Kurt's student council campaign," said Rachel.

Parker looked confused, "but, I'm a freshman."

"Just wear it," Rachel said.

"Wait. Isn't Brittany running too?" she asked.

Kurt nodded, "yeah. She is."

"Well, see I would but I don't want to be in the middle of that," Parker explained.

"Okay," Kurt said with a smile.

Rachel shook her head, "nope you're wearing it," she graved Parker's sweater and put the pin on it.

 "Okay, bye Parker," Rachel said with a smile.

"Bye," Parker said. As she continued walking she ran into Finn.

"Oh, hey Parker. I was just-"

"Your girlfriend put a pin on my sweater," Parker said cutting him off.

Finn looked at her sweater, "well at least it's for Kurt."

"Santana's gonna kill me," she said walking away to her chemistry class.

Parker and her lab partner, Skylar, were in the middle of working on their lab when Brittany walked in dancing and singing to Beyonce's Run The World.

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