three: high there

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A young, tall blonde girl skips into the shop holding an array of flowers in her hands. She spins around to the counter, and smiles to Pete a smile that is as bright as the sun. She giggles as she grips the counter to balance herself and prevent tripping from her dizziness.

"Hello Pete! I brought everyone flowers!" she giggles.

Pete grins at the blonde, "awesome! I'll grab everyone!"

The owner heads off to gather all the employees leaving the girl leaning against the counter. Her eyes wander around the shop until they land on a certain female employee. She smiles even brighter when their eyes meet.

The girl waves, "hello Ashley! I have a flower for you!"

Ashley squeaks and ducks into the back.

Pete: There is this girl who comes in every Friday to give the employees flowers. She is very sweet, absolutely cute and is the love of Ashley's life. [grins] We call her Cute Flower Girl because we never asked for her name. [scratches the back of his neck] It would be awkward if we were to ask now after all the visits...

Cute Flower Girl: Wait, they don't know my name? [laughs] It's-!

Ashley: Cute Flower Girl is the love of my life. She is my Juliet, my jelly, my pollen, my Pam, my heroin, my Leslie, my cheese. We are meant to be. She just doesn't know it yet.

Tuesday morning is when an unusual tradition occurs at the shop.

Josh is wiping down the counter when a giggly Dallon walks through the door. Fifteen minutes late. Josh grins at his giant coworker finally showing up to work.

"Hi Dallon! I brought unicorn stickers!" Josh squeals happily and holds up the unicorn stickers for his employee to see, "would you like one?!"

Dallon leans down onto the counter and stares at the stickers. Reaching forward he rubs his fingers against the sticker, like he was petting the unicorn. His eyes were wide in wonder, and a grin slowly spread on his face.

"Hi Mr. Unicorn! You are so pweety!" Dallon giggles before he falls face down from the counter to the floor. Yet, he continues the giggle as the pain seems amusing to him.

"My face hurts!"

Josh giggles, "wait, I'll join you!"

Dallon gasps, "yes Josh! Come join me! The floor is our friend!"

Josh jumps up on the counter then joins Dallon by falling face flat on the floor next to him. He giggles from the pain as well.

Ryan: Every once in a while, Dallon decides it is a good idea to get high right before he comes in to work. In the morning. Literally before nine am!

Pete: Here is the thing, I really don't care about Dallon coming in high. It's usually on Tuesdays, our slowest days and he's been my longest employee here. He earns his paycheck by being tolerable with customers. [grins] Also, it is so fun to mess with a high Dallon.

Dallon continues to giggle as Ashley helps him walk behind the counter. By helping, she actually has the elder's arms draped over her shoulders and is dragging him behind the counter. She sets him down on the stool and tries to keep him sitting upright. Yet, the man falls forward onto the counter, still (impossibly) giggling.

"My nose hurts!" he mumbles into the stone top.

Ashley rolls her eyes before grabbing Josh's stickers, "Josh said you wanted a unicorn sticker."

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