five: ryan and brendon's excellent adventure

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(whoop, longest chapter. let's go.)

"Steady, steady," Pete mumbles as he balances a load of plates in his hands.

Dallon, sitting on the counter and slacking off as usual, tears his eyes away from the latest Pete (Davidson) and Ariana drama to see if anything interesting were about to happen.

He looked up just in time.

Not paying attention to the wet spot on the ground, Pete steps right on top of it and his foot swings out from underneath him. The dishes fly up into the air and the boss slams back on the ship's wet floor. The dishes clatter to the ground around him, and one bowl manages to fall right on top of Pete Jr.

Dallon snorts before breaking into full on laughter and clutching his stomach. Pete whines and grabs his crotch tenderly.

"Where the h**l is the wet floor sign?!" Pete mutters.

He sits up, still holding on to his crotch in pain, and spots a small piece of paper lying on the wet floor. He reaches over, picks up the paper, and reads what is scrawled on it.

"Floor is wet! :) PS, our "wet floor" sign is broken! Sorry :(  Josh."

Pete groans and flops back on the ground.

Josh: What? I put up a sign! [frowns] Now that I think about it, it was kinda tiny.

Ryan places down an order on the table and smiles politely at the elderly couple, "can I get you anything else?"

The woman smiles gently, "I think we are good! Thank you, dear."

He nods, "just let me or anyone else know if you need anything! Enjoy!"

He sends them another smile then heads back to the counter. Ryan sighs and throws the towel down on the counter before trying to wipe the exhaustion out of his eyes.

Ryan: Finals are just around the corner, and I have been studying my a** off that past few days. Tonight is going to be another night dedicated to Red Bull and a lot of algebra. [whines] F**k me.

"Ryan! My favorite gay coworker!"

Ryan looks up and glares, "you're too loud for my liking right now Weekes."

Dallon grins, his face is radiating with amusement. He slides next up to Ryan and bumps shoulders with him. Ryan just rolls his eyes and attempts to slide away, but Dallon manages to wrap an arm around his shoulders and press the younger employee to his chest. Ryan groans in defeat as his face is buried in Dallon's chest.

"What do you want Dallon?" Ryan asks. His voice is muffled due to Dallon's chest.

"Well, I am glad you asked dear Ryan. As you know, I have decided to give Brendon Urie, Mr. Five-head himself, a second chance," Dallon says.

"Mmm-hmm. How does this concern me?"

"Before we go on our first date or try anything, Brendon has to do a few things. One of them is apologizing to you my friend!"

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