I wake up the next morning in Desiree's bed with bruises on my back and shoulders. Desiree is making eggs on the stove, so I get up and change my clothes. "Hey honey. How ya doin?" Desiree asks. "Im okay." I say. "No you're not baby. What Jimmy did to you was not okay. Do you want me to put him in his place for you?" She says. "Yeah actually that would be great. Just don't be too harsh on him, cause I don't want him to feel alone right now." I say. "Okay I'll talk to him right now, in the main tent. Do you wanna come with me or stay here?" She asks. "Actually I think I'm gonna go back to my trailer now. Thank you Desiree." I say and give her a hug. "Sure thing baby." She replies. I step out of her trailer, and walk over to mine. I think I'm just gonna wait in here until Desiree is done talking to Jimmy. I couldn't really sleep last night, so I'll take a quick nap in the mean time.
25 minutes later
I get woken up by the door to the trailer slamming open. "Jimmy?" "What the hell was that?" "What was what Jimmy?" I say while rubbing my eyes. "Desiree just basically humiliated me in front of EVERYONE." "What did she do?" "IT DOESNT MATTER Y/N. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU SO WHY WOULD YOU TELL DESIREE THAT I DID THAT." "Jimmy...do you not remember?" "REMEMBER WHAT?!" "You we're drunk last night and when I tried to help you, you grabbed me by the shirt and threw me out." I tell him. "I- I did?" He asks. "Yeah. you did." I tell him. "I'm sorry. I must've blacked out." He says. "It's fine Jimmy." I say. But it's not fine. It's not fine at all. I'm about to say something else, when I start to feel a little light headed. I try to stand up and get some water, but my legs give out and I fall back onto the bed. "Hey hey hey are you okay?" Jimmy asks. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. Could you get me some water please? I feel dizzy." I ask. He nods and goes over to the sink to get water. "Are you sick?" He asks and brings me the water. "I don't know. I might be." I say. He just nods and looks down. "So do you wanna talk about it yet?" I ask him. "I don't know. Give me a couple more days." He tells me. I just nod and give him a reassuring smile. "Um I need to go pay someone a visit. I'll be back in a little bit." I tell him. "Okay sure thing." He says. I get up and walk out of the trailer, leaving Jimmy by himself. I walk over to Madison's tent. I know i've had beef with her in the past, but I need to know what's going on. The weird thing is, I only felt sick when I woke up. Now I feel fine. I'm just going to her so she can read me, and see if anything is wrong. I walk into her tent and knock on the table. She comes walking out of her room in the back. "Hey Y/n. Can I help you with anything?" Madison asks. "Yeah actually there is something. Could you give me a reading?" I ask. "Uh sure! Is there any reason why?" She asks. I hesitate a little bit before I say, "Well there is something, but I need to make sure first before I act on it." "Okay well let's get started." She says. "Hold my hands and clear your mind." She says. I do what she tells me, and she looks into her crystal ball thingy. "Oh no." "What what's wrong?" I ask. "Y/n, have you and Jimmy...ya know." She asks. It takes me a second to realize what she's talking about. "Oh um yeah we have." I say. She looks me in the eyes, and her eyes are wider than usual. Her face is pale and her palms got really clammy. "What what's wrong?" I ask. "Madison?" She doesn't say anything. She just gets up, and runs to the back of her tent. I sit in the chair at the table waiting for her to come back, but she doesn't. I walk out of her tent and go back to the trailer. When I get there, Jimmy is gone. I'm starting to worry about him. He's had so much shit happen to him recently, he could go off the wire at any time. He's already started to. That still doesn't excuse how he acted the other day though. Suddenly, I feel myself grow very tired. My eyes slowly flutter and become heavy as I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Romancethe boys in blue are out for blood (will not go off of the original plot)