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The following weekend was full of laughs and kisses as me and Kelly locked ourselves away from the world and enjoyed each other's company.

"Do you want a ride into work?" Kelly asked Monday morning as we got ready for our first shift as an official couple, him having gone back to his place yesterday to grab the clothes he needed.

"That depends." I shrugged slightly looking up from where I was crouched down tying my laces.

"On what?"  He asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"On whether we'r going to be open about us or if we're keeping it quiet." I said unsure of what he wanted to do about our situation.

"You know what." He muttered pulling me towards him, resting his hands on my hips as my arms went around his neck playing with the small hairs on the base of his neck. "I want everyone to know you're mine." He said quietly with a grin, butterflies erupted inside at his words.

"Well then, you're driving." I winked pulling away and grabbing my bag from besides the door.

Linking our hands together he lead me out of the hallway, I muttered the usual 'hello' to my elderly neighbour as she watered the plants she keeps besides her door. Once we reached his car he opened the passenger door with a slight bow making me laugh.

"Why thank you kind sir." I smiled climbing in to the low car and throwing my bag onto the backseat.

Pulling up outside the firehouse Kelly took hold of my hand and pull me towards him as I reached for the door, placing a quick kiss to my lips he pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against mine.

"Ready?" He asked quietly

"Of course." I smiled pecking his lips before pulling away completely and climbing out of the car, grabbing my bag from the back and throwing it over my shoulder before linking your fingers together and walking into the firehouse.

A roar of cheers erupted as we entered the common room still hand in hand, everyone stood or sat looking at the two of us, minus Boden who was probably in his office.

"Pay up!" Otis exclaimed loudly as he held an open hand out towards a groaning Cruz and Stella who sat opposite him.

"You couldn't have waited another week?" Stella asked sarcastically as she came over and pulled me into a hug. "Congratulations though." She mumbled into my ear.

"Thank you." I smiled pulling away.

"Severide, Parks, my office." Boden's voice made me jump as I spun round to see the chief stood behind us with a blank face, nodding at us briefly before he walked away.

"Are we gunna get fired?" I muttered as me and Kelly walked side by side towards Boden's office.

"What? Why would we get fired?" He asked looking down at me with a small smirk.

"Well not so much you, you're the best Lieutenant going. Me on the other hand, I've only been here a few weeks he could easily transfer me." I sighed as we stopped outside of Boden's office, his figure blurred through the window.

"Hey." He muttered placing his hands on either side of my face and moving my head to face him. "Nobody is going to get fired, trust me." He murmured placing a quick kiss on my forehead before he knocked on the door, a faint 'come in' being heard.

"Chief." We both said as we stood opposite his desk, space between us as I nervously waited for what he was going to say.

"I hear congratulations are in order." He said looking between us with a stoic expression.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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