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In a mountain of bubbles

I'm left without any troubles

The water is warm

And there's no sign of a storm

The water splashed around us

The stream carries us away

Created by the waterfall

That's just along the bay

We ride on this tide

And time just passes by

And we all just feel as if we can fly

This little spot we found

Perfectly hidden in the ground

Nothing but the water beneath us

And the world ahead

I lay with you

In this natural bed

We could sleep for days

And I wouldn't care

For it's only fair

That we do as we please

Just as the birds in the trees

We all just deserve

To act like the bees

And do nothing but sit

And stare

At the pretty flowers

That are tucked in your hair 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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