Trying to Surf in Alaska EP 3

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"Wake up you lucky 46 you are still in! But you may wish you weren't because someone will be eliminated right here in Alaska! So everyone please get off the plane so we can start the challenge!"

                            -after everyone got off-
"Okay you guys it's time for the next challenge and just because I'm nice only 1 team will go to elimination." Chris said
"Wooo!!" Everyone cheered
"But it will be a double elimination for that team." Chris said as he broke everyone's hopes and dreams
"Awww" everyone whined
"Okay now to the challenge. You all need to try and get to a polar bear, take a picture of it with these cameras, then race back here to the plane. Last team to arrive will be sending 2 unlucky teens home. So get ready... Set.... Go!!!" Chris honked his horn as everyone got a camera for their team and they went off to find the polar bear.

                          -10 hours of freezing later-
"Aw yeah! I found it team!" Blaineley said as they took a photo of the bear with Gwen beside it.
"C'mon, lets give it to Chris!"
"Hey team I just found the polar bear!" Anne Maria said as they took a picture of it with Ella singing to it
"That singing was annoyin' so you should've shut your pie hole so the bear could eat you." Sugar said as she was annoyed with her singing.

"Hey guys I found the bear. I need to bow down to my EVVVILLL!" Max said trying to be villainous
"Let's take a picture" Sierra said as she hugged the bear pretending it was Cody.
"Oh yeah my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather invented the camera. So we should go now but we would be going way faster if my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother didn't invent Coldness" Staci said as literally no one cared.
"Yes the polar bear we found it!" Said Lindsay
"Maybe we won't go to elimination finally!" Beth said as they took a picture of it with Harold standing next to it
"Run!" Bridgette said as they saw people going to the finish
"Congratulations Team Amazing Amazons you are 1st! Also Team Victorious Anteaters you are 2nd! Team Renegade Rattlesnakes you are 3rd. The last team safe is.... Congratulations Team Gathering Gravestones you are 4th and safe! Team Screeching Sandstorms I will be seeing you guys at elimination for the 3rd time in a row.

-At Elimination-
"Okay you guys know the drill but this time I have 6 bags of peanuts here and if you don't get a bag you must immediately go to the leap of shame and you can never come back. EVER! Cast your votes."
Harold CF: I vote _____ just get out already
B CF: *stamps ____*
Lindsay CF: This is such a good picture of me but I vote _____.
Beth CF: I vote ____.
Lightning CF: I vote ____. You need to Sha-bye bye
Jo CF: Hopefully ____ gets out this time
Dakota CF: I vote _____ this person needs to go
Bridgette CF: I vote _____.

"Okay the votes are gathered and are tallied. So the bags go to..
Dakota and Harold
Jo... Beth.... and B. Two of you will jump off the plane and will be eliminated and cannot win the 2 million dollars. The 1st person out is.....
Beth. Please take the leap of shame and here is your parachute goodbye." Chris closes the door on Beth as she falls into the ocean then Chris opens the door again.
"The person getting the last bag is....
Jo you must now take the dreaded leap of shame and here's your parachute. You are done goodbye." Chris pushes Jo off the plane as she screams and she falls into the ocean just like Beth.
"What will happen on the next episode? Will the Screeching Sandstorms get out of the elimination zone? Or will they get in here again to eliminate another person? Find out next episode on..
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