Kidnapping in London. EP 16

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"Hello remaining competitors! It's to to get captured! - I mean started!" Chris says on the intercom and he turns it off.
"Did he say inflation?" Lindsay says as she wakes up from the economy class.
"No he said started." Cody says waking up.
"Let's eat." Scott says just waking up.
The Raccoons go to the cafeteria to see leftovers from yesterday.
"Is this the Bumbo?" Lindsay asks.
"It's Gumbo. From last night." Cameron replies to Lindsay as she covers her stomach.
"That Gumbo isn't setting well in my tummy! Maybe it was because of my diet." Lindsay says as she goes to the bathroom.
-In the Bathroom-
-Lindsay barfs-
"Ew! What is that?" Lindsay says as she looks in the toilet to see dark orange barf.
"EWWWW!" Lindsay screams as someone grabs her from the bathroom and into the pilot room.
"MmmHhhhHhhmmMm!" Lindsay tries to say something but passes out from the person.
"Where's Lindsay?" Cody asks as the team shrugs.
"Maybe having trouble finding her way back to the cafeteria." Noah says as the Rhinoceroses come into the cafeteria.
The intercom turns on.
"You all are probably wondering where Lindsay is, well she has been taken." Chris says as only some gasp.
"For your challenge today is to find a golden coin. If you get captured it will be a penalty for your team. So the Raccoons get a penalty. Go outside to get your clue to the other clue." The intercom turns off as the teams run outside to find 2 clues. Red for the Rhinoceroses, and Blue for the Raccoons.
"It says, to find your next clue you must go inside a red house. Beware of a black caped person wandering around. Because if he sees you, you can get captured." Brick says as he shivers.
"Okay mates, let's go to the red house!" Jasmine says as the team runs toward the red house 0.5 miles away from them.
"It says, to find your next clue you must find a blue house and go inside it. Beware of a purple capes person. If they see you he will capture 1 of you." Cameron says as the team runs toward the blue house.
The team gets to the red house and goes inside. When they go upstairs a figure opens the door to come in.
"Okay what's up here?" Noah asks as they search for their clue. A figure comes upstairs and sees the team searching for clues.
"What is that!?" Amy worries as she hides behind a table
"Looks like family." Crimson says stepping closer.
The figure jumps over her and snatching Jasmine. Then he throws a orb in the ground so they both disappear.
"OMG!" Amy says as she gets out from the table.
"I got the note. It says, to find your final clue you must search inside a haunted house until you find a golden door. Enter the door to find all the golden coins you need. There will be a clue infront of the haunted house." Noah says as Brick worries.
The Raccoons find a blue house, they go upstairs to find a clue as 2 stay downstairs.
-With Junior and Jacques-
"It doesn't look like anything's here." Junior says as he opens a door as a figure opens the front door at the same time.
"Run!" Jacques screams as he runs up the stairs.
"I found it!" Junior says as he closes the door and turns around to see the black figure.
"Uh oh." The black figure grabs Junior and makes him faint.
"Hurry! Junior fainted!" Jacques says as he comes back downstairs to see the black figure carrying Junior.
"Run!" Cody screams as the team run upstairs and the black figure trips Jacques.
"Ow!" Jacques says as the black figure picks him up and knock him out.
The figure laughs and walks out the door as the others come downstairs and see a note on the floor.
"It says, to find the golden coin you must find a haunted house! Then you must search inside for a golden door. More will be explained on the next clue infront of the haunted house." Cody says biting his fingernails.
"Let's hurry up!" Scott says as Cody and Cameron run out behind him.
The Raccoons get to the haunted house way before the Rhinoceroses.
"Okay, the note says, to get into the haunted house you must find a key. If you find one you must go to the door and unlock it. But some keys are fake. Okay let's go guys!" Cody says as the team splits up and searches in the dirt.
The Rhinoceroses arrive to the haunted house and read the note. Then they start digging for keys in their own section.
Cameron CF: Probably the Rhinoceroses would find the key 1st because they have more members. But anything could happen.
"I found it!" Brick says as he runs toward the door with the rest of his team. He puts the key in the lock and it sucks them inside the house closing the door behind them.
"I found it!" Scott says as he runs toward the door.
Everyone else from his team gets to the door just as he put in the key. The door opens by itself and it's sucks them in and closes the door.
"Ow!" They all say as they fall on the floor.
"Looks like we're at the haunted house. Yay." Crimson says without any expression. Crimson goes inside a door and finds a golden key.
"Ew." Crimson throws the key out the door as the Raccoons get into the haunted house.
"What's that?" Amy says as she picks up a golden key.
"It's the key to the golden door!" Amy says as she pulls Crimson out of the room and leads her team upstairs.
"Let's look in the room!" Cody says as he gets up and barges into the room where the team found the key.
"I got a key!" Cameron says as they all go upstairs and try to catch up to the Rhinoceroses.
"Here's the door." Noah says as he puts the key in the hole and it opens to reveal thousands of golden coins.
"Get some!" Amy says as Noah picks up a handful of coins and a bag and puts the coins in the bag.
"Cmon!" Owen says as he runs downstairs and his team right behind them.
"They already got coins! Hurry!" Cameron says as they run past the other team and grabs some coins.
Then they run downstairs and right behind the other team with them both shoving into the door. They all get sucked in and thrown out the door to see the outside.
"Hurry team!" Brick says as he reads the clue and runs to the plane.
"Follow them! Then we can outrun them!" Scott says as the run behind the Rhinoceroses.
They both shove and push each other until both teams see Chris standing infront of the plane. The teams rush toward him.
"The teams are coming! It's gonna be a photo finish!" Chris says as the teams get on the boarding part and they rush into the plane passing Chris.
"Let's see what the cameras got! It's between Owen and Cameron! And Owen passes before Cameron! The Rhinoceroses win 1st class!" Chris says as he lets the captured ones go to join their teams.
"Okay. Discuss who your gonna vote tonight. It may be hard with only 6 players." Chris makes the teams go inside as the Rhinoceroses go toward the 1st class section, and the Raccoons go to the economic class.
"So, I think whoever lost it for us should go home. The people who were captured." Cody says as he points at Lindsay, Junior and Jacques.
"Plead your cases, Lindsay your 1st." Scott says as Lindsay stands up.
"I think I should stay because I am experienced, also I was captured while I was throwing up!" Lindsay sits down and Jacques stands up.
"I think I should stay because Cameron lost the race for you to someone who goes into 2 9-course meals each week!" Jacques says as they all look at Cameron.
"We still would've lost even if we had everyone past the finish line 1st. Chris said that each teammate you lose is a penalty." Cameron explains as the intercom goes on.
"Just a reminder. The penalty for each member you lost already has been completed. The captured people had to clean up the bathrooms since Lindsay threw up everywhere!" Chris turns off the intercom as the whole team looks at Cameron except Cameron.
"Also my barf was from that Gumbo!" Lindsay says as she pouts.
                                  -At Elimination-
"Welcome back Raccoons, for losing you will lose 2 members tonight. This time I have 4 bags of peanuts here, whoever doesn't get a bag of peanuts you must immediately go to the leap of shame and you can never come back. EVER! Now cast your votes, and this time I won't be blanking them out!"
Jacques CF: I vote for Cameron since he is slow.
Junior CF: I vote Cameron because he's weak.
Lindsay CF: I vote for Jacques because he can dance and I can't and he's showing off.
Scott CF: I hate to say it, but I vote for Junior since he has a alliance with someone.
Cameron CF: I vote for Junior since I know he has a alliance with Jacques.
Cody CF: I vote for Cameron since he failed the challenge for us.
"Okay! I have gathered and tallied the votes. The bags go to...
Scott and Cody!
The last, bag of peanuts go to...
*camera zooms in on Jacques*
*Camera zooms in on Junior*
*Camera zooms in on Cameron*
Jacques. Cameron and Junior. You have been eliminated from the contest." Chris hands them both a parachute.
"I gotta say something. Me and Jacques had a alliance! But we ended it 3 episodes ago. Because he voted for me. Bye!" Junior jumps out the plane and pulls the cords.
"Well, bye guys!" Cameron says as Chris slams the door on him.
"That's it for this episode! Will Jacques be voted off next for having a alliance? Or will we finally have a romance in here?! Find out next time on...
Around The Globe!!!"

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