The Finale... EP 24

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"Hello everyone! I'm Chris McClain and Welcome to the finale of Total Drama Around the Globe! 3 contestants have made it far. But 1 of their journeys are about to end! We will have a challenge where these 3 will race against each other for a spot in the final 2. The last place person will be eliminated from the competition. Then the other 2 will race up to a volcano where we started. Hawaii! So let's tell our contestants their challenge to get into the final 2!" Chris says to the audience and the audience cheers.
Chris turns on the intercom to say,
"Hello contestants. Congratulations on making it to the final 3! For your challenge it will involve your liking with the eliminated contestants. Meet me in the cafeteria for me to explain!" Chris presses the off button and starts walking to the cafeteria. The contestants walk toward the cafeteria and get their grub. Chris walks in and the contestants groan.
"Today's challenge has a voting part to it! The eliminated contestants will vote for who they want eliminated. One by one they each will go in the confessional and say who they want eliminated! So let's start with the 1st eliminated contestants. DJ! Your up!" Chris says and he shows a TV with DJ on there.
DJ: Hey guys! I vote to eliminate Geoff. Sorry dude.
"Alright! Next." Chris says and it shows Kitty.
Kitty: OMG! Hi guys! You all are so cool but I vote to eliminate Crimson because she's scary.
Sam: Alright! Hehe. I vote to eliminate Geoff. He says dude to much. Bye guys!
Amy: I vote to eliminate Crimson since she didn't even try to say bye to me. So rude.
Beth: Hi guys! I vote to eliminate Crimson since we never even got near each other.
Jo: Ugh! Is should be there if it wasn't for that double elimination! Anyway I vote to eliminate Jacques since he's strong.
Harold: Hey guys! I vote to eliminate Geoff he was mean back in Island. Gosh!
Bridgette: I vote to eliminate Jacques since he and I never even talked to each other.
Courtney: Ugh! I'm gonna she you Chris! Anyways I vote to eliminate Crimson since she has something to do with my elimination!
Emma: Hi guys! I vote Jacques since he's strong.
Alejandro: Hello amigos. I see your all glad to see me. I vote to eliminate Crimson.
Scarlett: I vote to eliminate Crimson. It's just a game move.
Sadie: OMG me and Katie are so happy together now! We both vote to eliminate Geoff.
Katie: You probably know from Sadie I'm voting Geoff.
Gwen: Hey guys! I vote to eliminate Geoff I'm sorry.
Sugar: Ugh! That Ella keeps annoying me! I vote to eliminate Crimson since she reminds me of Gwen!
Sky: Hey guys! I say that Crimson goes home since she was in the final challenge to get in the final 3.
Dakota: Hey guys! I'm trying to start my new hit series! 'That's it with Dakota!' It's about people's fashion and I tell them a 1-10! Anyway I vote to eliminate Geoff for saying Dude all the time. Also change your outfit.
Lightning: Sha-Lightning is back! Sha-Yes! I vote to Sha-eliminate Geoff!
Ezekiel: Hey guys eh! I vote to eliminate Geoff eh.
(9-8-3) Geoff: Most Votes.
Staci: OMG hi! My great great great great great grandfather invented the computer. I vote to eliminate Geoff because he says dude to much. Do I say great to much?
(10-8-3) Geoff: Most Votes.
Leonard: Hey guys. *spits* oops! Anyway I go to eliminate Crimson since she's creepy and weird.
(10-9-3) Geoff: Most Votes.
Sierra: Omg! I can't believe Codykins isn't there! Anyway I think Jacques has a plan with his departure so I go the him!
(10-9-4) Geoff: Most Votes
Ella: Hello everyone! I would like to sing a song to you all! I voteee to eliminateeeeee Jacquesssssss!
(10-9-5) Geoff: Most Votes.
Max: Hello my minions! I have seen that one of you isn't evil and that is Jacques so I vote to eliminate him.
(10-9-6) Geoff: Most Votes.
Leshawna: Hey y'all! Leshawna in the confessional! I vote Jacques because I think he has a role in my departure.
(10-9-7) Geoff: Most Votes.
Blaineley: I should've been hosting this! So I vote to eliminate Jacques.
(10-9-8) Geoff: Most Votes.
Heather: Hello fatties. Looks like one of you will have to take the plunge. I think it should be Jacques.
(10-9-9) Geoff: Most Votes.
Samey: Hey guys. I'm thinking of voting for Geoff but I changed my mind and decided to vote Jacques.
(10-10-9) Geoff and Jacques: Most Votes.
Dawn: Hey everyone. I'm seeing auras and Jacques's is bad! We need to get rid of him so I vote him.
(11-10-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Duncan: Ugh. Since I got eliminated Courtney won't stop annoying me. Anyway I'm gonna vote to eliminate Jacques.
(12-10-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Justin: I'm great beauty. I'm voting Geoff because he is trying to look better than me.
(12-11-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Shawn: Hey guys! I think the zombie apocalypse is over now. So I have nothing to worry about. But I think I should vote Jacques and I will.
(13-11-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Eva: Hello betrayers. I'm here to get my revenge! So I vote to eliminate Jacques for voting me!
(14-11-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Cameron: I vote to eliminate Jacques since I calculated he has the most votes so far.
(15-11-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Junior: I vote to eliminate Jacques since he betrayed me.
(16-11-9) Jacques: Most Votes.
Anne Maria: Hey y'all. I vote for Crimson since she did bad in some challenges she didn't win.
(16-11-10) Jacques: Most Votes.
Jasmine: Hey mates. I guess I should vote for Geoff because he beat me in the challenge.
(16-12-10) Jacques: Most Votes.
Cody: Hey guys! I vote for Crimson because she's creepy.
(16-12-11) Jacques: Most Votes:
Noah: Meh. I vote for Crimson.
(16-12-12) Jacques: Most Votes.
B: *shows picture of Geoff and stamps*
Lindsay: OMG! Hi Chip. And Criminal. And Jackie. And Gelly. Anyways I vote Jackie-I mean Jacques.
Scott: I vote for Crimson because she voted me out.
Owen: I vote for Crimson since she voted out Scott's me he's still mad at me.
"We have the results! And with 17 votes to eliminate...
Jacques. You have been eliminated from the contest." Chris says as Jacques falls to the ground and Chris drags him. Chris gives him and parachute and kicks him off the plane.
"We have our final 2! Congratulations Crimson and Geoff for making it to the finale! One of you will win 2 million dollars! The other will win a runner up prize of 50000 dollars! So let's go where we started all of this! Hawaii! You will both race up the volcano and throw a dozen watermelons into it. 1st person to do so wins the cash and the other wins a smaller cash prize! Now once we land you may go finding 12 watermelons and put them in a wheel-barrel. Now, Go!" Chris lands the plane and Crimson and Geoff start running.
-10 minutes of searching later-
Crimson: 11 watermelons.
Geoff: 11 watermelons.
"Where is that last one." Crimson mutters to herself.
"I got it Dudes!" Geoff says holding one up as he puts it in the barrel and starts to run off. Then after 20 seconds Crimson finds one and quickly puts it in and tries to catch up.

-literally 1 minute later-
"Hey Geoff." Crimson says pushing the watermelons and passing Geoff.
"Not today!" Geoff says as he uses the last of his bursting energy to get 0.5 miles ahead of Crimson.
"No!" Crimson yells as she runs faster then she ever had on ridonculous Race. Geoff and Crimson meet heads again and they make it to the top of the volcano.
"They're here! Looks like Crimson has the lead but no Geoff passes her! Looks like it's gonna be close!" Chris says as he hoes closer and tries to see who wins. They both drop their melons in at the same time but one went faster then the other.
"I have the results! The winner, of Total Drama Around the Globe is...
CRIMSON CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE THE WINNER OF TOTAL DRAMA AROUND THE GLOBE!" Chris screams as everyone that was eliminated goes toward her and start celebrating.
"That's it for this travel around the globe! Crimson wins the 2 million bucks. And Geoff wins 50000 dollars! Join me next time to see what will happen next season where I think it will be wayyy different. This is Chris McClain signing out on...
Around The Globe!!! Peace!"

Thanks for reading and a special thanks to IsabellaLeahEvans for making me continue this story! I hope you liked my 1st story ever! I'll see you soon on another season of Total Drama or something else! Byeeee!

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