Brazilian Forest Hunt. EP 20

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"Wake up final 7! This challenge won't injure itself! So go to the cafeteria, NOW!" Chris says on the intercom as everyone walks toward the cafeteria.
"What's this?" Lindsay asks as she pokes it with her fork.
"It's Jello." Chef explains as he grins.
"Is it dairy?" Lindsay asks.
"Maybe," Chef says as Lindsay takes a bite.
"Hello contestants!" Chris comes into the cafeteria seeing the contestants eat their Jello.
"For this challenge we're going to Brazil! In the forest. You'll try to find coconuts, and that will now be hard because we took 2/3 of the coconuts in that forest. So once you find a coconut you must run toward the outfit making place. Where you will craft a outfit out of feathers! Then, once Chef approves your costume you must go in a canoe and row your way to the plane where I'm gonna repark it. So Go!" Chris honks his loud horn and everyone exits the plane. Lindsay brings her Jello with her to the forest.
-Group 1-
"I can't believe he sent us out in the woods!" Jacques complains.
"I mean, it's Chris. Why wouldn't he?" Owen explains as Jacques nods in agreement.
"Well we need to find coconuts!" Scott yells as Owen checks a tree.
"I think they forgot this tree!" Owen says as the 3 gather around the tree.
-5 minutes later-
"Where is that fat lump?" Crimson asks as Owen falls out of the tree with 4 coconuts.
"Nice!" Jacques says as he takes a coconut.
"Good I guess." Crimson takes a coconut.
"Alright man!" Scott takes a coconut as Owen grabs his coconut.
"Let's go." Crimson reminds them as they run toward a crafting center with Chef.
"Ew. Why is it so, colorful?" Crimson says as she gags at the bright colors.
Crimson CF: Now I have to take a longer time coloring mine black. It may get me dead last but it's worth it.
-Group 2-
"Omg! I thinks there's a coconut tree over there!" Lindsay says as she runs toward the tree and tries to climb it, then fails.
"All of these trees are coconut trees dumbo!" Amy says as Lindsay gets to the top of the tree.
"I found coconuts!" Lindsay drops 2 coconuts on the ground for Amy and Geoff.
"Nice dude!" Geoff says as he runs to the crafting center with Amy.
"Where are you guys?" Lindsay says as she comes down the tree with her coconut.
-Crafting Center-
Crimson finishes her costume but starts to color it black as the others are almost finished with their costumes.
"I'm done!" Scott says as he has a blue feather costume on with a helmet attached with feathers.
"Eh, Your good." Chef says as Scott takes off the feather costume and goes on a canoe with his coconut:
"Woo." Crimson comes up to Chef with a all black feather costume. She has a black helmet with some red feathers on top.
"Good." Chef says as Crimson goes into the canoe and throws her outfit into the river.
"Omg! I can't believe you left me behind." Lindsay says as she goes toward Amy.
"What, you were gonna take forever trying to crack every coconut trying to figure out if it had any lip brands in it." Amy complains as she finishes her costume.
"Got it!" Jacques says as he shows Chef.
"Meh, medium. But you good." Chef says as Jacques enters the canoe and starts to row fast.
"Got it!" Amy, Geoff, and Owen say and they all run toward Chef.
"Good." Chef says as they all get in their own canoe and start rowing.
"Yes!" Lindsay completes her costume fast and shows it to Chef. She had like others had, helmet with feathers, a tail that has feathers. So she got a thumbs up from Chef. Everyone has gotten on a canoe and has started rowing. So far Scott is in the lead but is going far away from the plane, while Crimson goes the right direction and takes the lead.
"Looks like some are coming!" Chris says as he points at Crimson and others rowing castle behind her. Owen starts paddling quickly but sweats quickly.
"Congratulations Crimson! Your immune. I guess." Chris says as Crimson is expressionless.
"You won! Never mind that, everyone is here!" Chris says as everyone else arrives to the plane.
"Now, get to voting. And remember, Crimson is immune, so you can't vote for her! Now, I'll see you at the elimination ceremony."

                                   -At Elimination-
"Welcome to elimination. Today Crimson has won immunity again, so she will receive the 1st bag." Chris throws the bag to Crimson as she grabs it and sets it down at the bottom of the seats.
"For the rest of you, now I only have 5 bags of peanuts here, whoever doesn't get a bag of peanuts you must immediately go to the leap of shame and you can never come back. EVER! Now cast your votes, and remember. Crimson is immune!" Chris says as they very one takes turns at the confessional.
Amy CF: I would've voted for Crimson, but since she's immune I have to vote for _____.
Crimson CF: I vote _____ since they are a threat.
Owen CF: I vote _____ since they are a threat to me.
Lindsay CF: I vote for _____ since they are soooooo rude:
Geoff CF: I vote for _____ dude, they can't party.
Scott CF: I vote for that betrayer _____.
Jacques CF: I vote for ______!
"Okay! I have gathered the votes, the bags of peanuts go to...
Scott and... Amy.
Lindsay... Owen... 1 of you will be pushed of the plane. The other remains in pieces. The last, bag of delicious peanuts go to...
Owen, Lindsay. You must now take the dreaded leap of shame and you been eliminated!" Chris says as he hands her a parachute.
"Thanks Chip! I would like to thank you all for keeping me here this long and-" Lindsay is interrupted by Chris pushing her off the plane and shutting the door.
"That's it for this episode! Where will our final 6 go next? Who will win immunity next? Find out next time on...
Around The Globe!!!"

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