Bungee Jumping in Africa. EP 7

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"Hello 27 contestants! I am going to the next destination in your 2 million dollar journey. Africa! So everyone gather in the cafeteria." The intercom goes off and everyone goes to the cafeteria.

"Hello contestants. It's time for a twist to end. Only 1 person from the losing teams will go home. So the Amazons and the Sandstorms can at least last 2 days. Okay we landed! Everyone exit the plane."
Jasmine CF: I'm still in! So I have to make it to merge. Or else I won't be 'hall of fame' beauty! So we gotta win this challenge.
"What are we doing here?" Sammy asks
"Your all gonna be...
Bungee jumping! So choose 1 member from your team to bungee jump, and be quick about it! Or your gonna be going to elimination! Go!" Chris honks the horn as the teams go to the bungee jump start.
"I should go! Maybe Tyson's down there! So let me go! Please!" Lindsay asks as B nods and she gets ready
"How do you put this in again?" Lindsay asks
"Cmon we can't lose! You bungee jump!" Blaineley yells to Duncan
"No thanks, you should. Even though I'm a villain doesn't mean I jump off roofs. So go!" Duncan straps the bungee cord on Blaineley and pushes her
"AHHHHHHH!" Blaineley reaches the ground then goes up then down then up and down again until it stops.
"I'll kill Duncan!" Blaineley unstraps the bungee cord and falls in front of Chris.
"You need your whole team down here Blaineley."
Chris says as Blaineley goes up to the bungee jump station and tells Duncan what they need to do.
"I'll do this team!" Dawn puts on the bungee cord and jumps as her team goes down there to meet her.
"I got it!" Lindsay finally finishes strapping on the bungee cord and gets ready to jump
"I'll meet you down there Bran!" Lindsay jumps as B goes down to meet her.
"I'll go!" Owen says as he goes toward the jumping station
"No! You'll break the cord! Sorry for being mean but I should do it. I'm light so maybe we'll get down there without breaking anything!" Ella says as Owen straps on the cord to her
"We'll meet you there Miss!" Brick says as Geoff pushes her off.
"Let me do it! I calculated with my weight that we will be down in 1 minute and 25 seconds if I go. That's faster than anyone else. So I'll do it." Cameron puts the bungee cord and jumps
"Looks like everyone chose someone to jump. Now it's all about the racing to this spot." Chris says while he points to the end of the bungee jump.
"A team is coming!"
"Congratulations Team Amazing Amazons! Your Duo is safe!" The host says
"Phew! I'll kill you now!" Blaineley whispers to Duncan as they both go to the plane and get on.
"Congratulations Team Gathering Gravestones! Your 2nd and safe!" Chris says to the team as they cheer with each other and get on the plane.
"The final team safe is!!" Chris sees all 3 teams racing toward the finish.
"We got this!" Lindsay says as her and B race
"Hurry!" Ella sings as her team races against the other teams
"We gotta run faster!" Cameron tells to his team as they all go a bit faster
"The last team safe is......

Congratulations Team Screeching Sandstorms! Your 3rd and safe from elimination!" Chris says as the duo of Lindsay and B cheer and get on the plane.
"Team Renegade Rattlesnakes. Team Victorious Anteaters. Your teams are up for elimination. So choose your favorite loser! And get to voting at the elimination ceremony." Chris says as the teams and the host get on the plane
                                   -At Elimination-
"Okay, team Renegade Rattlesnakes, I hope you had enough time to vote. Actually I didn't hope for anything but my paycheck. This time I have 6 bags of peanuts here. Whoever doesn't get a bag must immediately go to the leap of shame and you can never come back. EVER! So choose your favorite loser, and vote."
Staci CF: I vote for _____ because that was my great great great great gre- *cuts off again*
Max CF: I vote _____ she's annoying.
Sierra CF: I wanna win for my codykins! But if that's gonna happen _____ has got to go!
Jacques CF: I vote for _____ she got really annoyin'
Junior CF: I vote _____ she's getting on my nerves
Cameron CF: I vote for _____ because if she doesn't go people will bring her to the finale and they think it's voting! So she's gone.
Leshawna CF: I vote _____ just like I vote Heather.
"Okay I gathered and tallied the votes. The bags go to...
Max and Jacques
Sierra... Staci... Someone here got all votes against them except themselves. So the last bag goes to...

Sierra! Staci take the drop of shame and I would hand you a pack but I think your words may attract man eating birds. So bye!" Chris pushes Staci off and throws her a parachute just in case.
"Alright Renegade Rattlesnakes, your done here! Let's bring the Anteaters in!" The host pushes the team out and let's the other in.
"Okay! So maybe you decided, because I don't care. Now this time I have 6 bags of peanuts here and whoever doesn't get a bag must immediately go to the leap of shame and you can never come back. EVER! Now pick the loser by voting."
Leonard CF: I vote _____ he's now going home!
Ella CF: I vote _____ he's annoying
Geoff CF: I vote _____ woohoo!
Owen CF: I vote _____ she didn't let me jump!
Anne Maria CF: I vote _____ he's so weird!
Brick CF: Even though I would vote ____ right now I vote _____ he's getting annoying and Annoying doesn't win 2 million sir!
Scott CF: I vote _____ he's getting on my nerves!
"Okay! Since this is almost the last 3 teams I'm gonna read the votes aloud! But no one would know who voted for them! So the 1st vote goes to....
Brick ,
2 votes Leonard 1 vote for Owen, Ella and Brick.
2 votes Leonard, 2 votes Brick, 1 vote for Owen and Ella. The big loser is...

Leonard! You must now take the dreaded leap of shame! Here's a parachute you may need it!" Chris hands him the parachute which pushes him off the plane and and you see him trying to use his powers, but fails miserably.
"Okay that's all for today! Who will go home next week? Will Heather speak more? Or will Ella sing her way to elimination? Find out next time on....
Around The Globe!!!"

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