Ch. 5 Weekend Shenanigans

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Every weekend is basically the same. Ayden and I hang out, do stuff together and just have a lot of fun. We usually go on a small adventure into the forest or down by the lake. We'll eat out or watch movies too.

Today we decided to just hang out around town and find more stuff to do. We really haven't did everything that this town has to offer so I'm excited to see what we can get into.

"It is currently two in the afternoon, so what do you want to do?"

We were walking around town, figuring out what there was to do. I wasn't even sure, even though I've been here for a few years. I still haven't did everything or went all around.

My parents don't get out much, which says a lot about them.

I, on the other hand, love to adventure out more. I don't like being stuck inside or in one place. I'm like a bird that needs to be let free every once in a while but surely I'm bound to find my way back home.

"We really live in the most boring place, huh."

We were just walking around, different shops were everywhere. A lot of different people and things that just popped out.

"You need to learn to look at things differently, Ayden. There's adventure everywhere. You just need to look."

He looks over at me with a questionable look. "You really are something special. You have the power and money at your fingertips and here we are, walking the dirty streets of our town."

I shook my head at his negative statement. I never did like having money, even though I wouldn't exactly want to be poor but I guess having less money would make me like everyone else and I'm fine with that.

I saw a cafe across the street. I grabbed Ayden by the arm and looked both ways before running across. After we made it to the other side, I look over at him as he was giving me a confused look.

"I'm glad you looked both ways before hauling me across the street. What are we doing?"

I look up at the cafe sign. "Let's go in there and see what they have. I want some coffee." I walked in and a little chime made a noise hanging on the door. I looked around and noticed that it was a pretty busy for such a small place.

We walked over to the counter and I looked up at the menu. They had a lot of drinks, coffee and smoothies. I was in the mood for coffee so I ordered a mocha.

After Ayden ordered a water, we walked over to a booth near the window and sat down. I took in the view outside and smiled at how beautiful this day was.

"You are strange."

I look to see Ayden watching me intently. "Why?"

"You just have a different aspect on everything. I can't name a single person who see's things the way you do."

Raising an eyebrow, I gave him a tilt of my head. "How do I see things?"

The waitress came with our drinks then left. He opened his water up then took a sip before setting it down. "You just look at things differently, I guess. Everyone else is just in a hurry."

"I know how to live life, Ayden. I mean, look around at everyone." I turned my attentiont to the people who were present in this cafe. "They're all living in the same world, but some just are in a hurry."

A lot of people nowadays are in a rush. Why? I have no idea. They're stuck on their phones, on computes, rushing in traffic to go where?

Life is about enjoying the little things and living out the best life you could possibly live. You only get one. So, why is everyone in a hurry.. to die?

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