Ch. 38 Regina knows

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I'm literally having to write this on my phone! I'm trying to update quicker! xx

The next few days were pretty much exhausting. The school year was coming to a close and the teachers were piling homework and assignments on us with a touch of quizzes almost everyday.

They didn't realize that they were literally killing us.

Tory was on of those teachers but she had to follow the system. She couldn't ignore it and not do what she was suppose to do.

I understood that, but not everyone else did.

Students were getting pissed off from all the work we had to do.

One boy in my History class left after he was arguing with the teacher about why we had to do so much work. He flipped a desk and slammed the door so hard, the hinges broke and the door won't shut now.

This boy was almost three hundred pounds and he was on the football team, so it didn't surprise me when all that happened.

Everyone was going absolutely crazy.

We had three weeks left of school and the shit was going to burn to the ground before then.

Tory gave out a few assignments but also gave us an option if we wanted to do them in school or at home. She also said she's giving everyone a chance to finish other assignments also and it wouldn't be marked down as a bad grade.

Everyone was a little happy about that so no damages were done to the school.

Since it was Friday, I got a call from Mrs. Smith during the time when I was changing classes. I had to go to the bathroom and make sure nobody was there before answering it.

She said if I could make it this afternoon around five, we can go ahead and sign papers.

I was more than excited.

Just needed to figure out a lie to tell my parents.. again.

When the bell rung, I stuffed my papers and my book into my backpack before standing up. As everyone was leaving, I look towards the front where Tory was sitting.

I haven't hung out with her in a few days. I was trying to avoid any confrontation with my mom anymore.

I texted Tory a few times and told her that my mom was getting suspicious and she said she understood.

She just looked a little sad the last few days, which I knew had something to do with me.

I would have to make it up to her somehow.

As the last student left, I walked to the front of the room then caught Tory watching me. I smile as I stop in front of her desk. "Hey."

"Hey." She looks back down at her papers and I felt my heart sink.

"Tory." She looks up at me. "I'm sorry we haven't been hanging out the last few days."

As she was watching me, I could hear my heart beating in my chest. "I'm not mad, Carter. I understand." She looks back down.

"You're acting.. different though."

When she looks up, she furrowed her eyebrows. "How am I acting different?"

"I don't know." I sigh as I held onto my backpack straps.

"No, how am I acting different, Carter?"

I shrug as I look at her. "Like you're upset cause we can't hang out. I don't know, maybe I'm misreading it or something."

She sighs as she runs her hand through her hair. "I admit I miss you coming over, but if your mom is suspicious then I don't want you to keep making her suspicious."

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