Ch. 13 Finding the truth

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Something definitely was going on with Miss Morgan. When I saw her in the cafe yesterday, I knew something was wrong by the way she was looking at me. I could sense something was off and it really threw me like a boomerang cause I couldn't figure it out.

When I came to school, the first thing I noticed was Miss Morgan completely overlooking me. She wouldn't look at me in the hall when she passed by. A few students said their good mornings and when her eyes landed on me, it was as if something has switched off in her head and she suddenly looked away.

I couldn't figure it out why she was acting like this. I kept thinking I did something wrong but then again, I haven't actually spoken to her since that day she came in late when I was outside eating lunch.

Something was going on.

"Alright class, please turn to page one fifty two and pay attention." Miss Morgan turned towards her board and started writing stuff down. Even in class, she overlooked me as if I wasn't here.

I need to try to raise my hand to see if she'll call on me or dismiss the thought that I'm in this room.

As she was writing stuff down and talking at the same time, I took this opportunity to raise my hand and ask a question. I would just ask a dumb question just to get some kind of reaction out of her.

When she turns her head to see who's paying attention, that's when her eyes landed on me. I could definitely see something in them as she was staring at me for a few seconds before slowly turning to face the class.

"Yes.. Carter?"

I placed my arm down and looked at her for a moment. "Yeah.. I'm lost." I heard a few students snicker as they would look at me then shake their heads.

Ignorning them, I kept my focus on Miss Morgan as she shushed the class before locking eyes with me again. "Pay attention then."

The class started making a noise then laughing as Miss Morgan shushed them again then turned back to the board. I kept watching her for a moment wondering what the hell her problem was.

As class kept going on, I tried my best to pay attention but it was hard when all I wanted to do was leave this place.

After class was over, I watched as everyone started leaving as I was sitting there staring to the front of the classroom. I had a few looks thrown my way but I ignored them, waiting for the last student to leave.

Walking up to the front, I watch as Miss Morgan looks up and sees me. She shifted in her seat which indicated that she was nervous as I was approaching her.

I needed to come up with something to ask her so I won't look like a weirdo for being here for no reason.

"That assignment that you gave us, when is it due?" I held onto my backpack straps as she was watching me.

"Just turn it in whenever. No later than the end of this week."

I nod as I didn't really want to leave yet. Something was keeping me in here and I knew Miss Morgan didn't want me staying here for some reason. The look she had said it all and I could tell by her body language.

Taking a breath, I decided to at least try my luck. "Is everything ok, Miss Morgan?" She continues to look at me and I quickly clear my throat. "You don't seem like yourself today."

We looked at each other for a few seconds before she looks down at her desk. "Nothing to be concerned about, Carter. Go to lunch."

It was useless trying to get through to her. Teachers aren't going to tell you their life problems even when they act like complete different people in the classroom.

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