You want to become a runner:

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Thomas: "Why a runner Y/N, isn't there anything less dangerous?" You huff and roll your eyes. "Thomas, I'm not stupid, I'm fast, and even Minho said I'd be a good runner!" "Yeah but what if a griever got you? I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt.." He pulled you into a hug gently. "I'll be fine Tom, besides I'll have Minho there and he wouldn't let me get hurt. He wouldn't want to risk getting killed by you." You say with a cheeky smile. This gets Thomas to lighten up about it. "Alright fine... You can be a runner. Just promise you won't get hurt..." "I promise." He kisses you gently and hugs you a bit longer until Newt comes in and bugs him about something stupid like a pig getting loose.

Newt: "NO! And that's final." Your British boyfriend yells. "Newt what's your problem, why can't I be a runner?" He gives you a stern look. "I know what it's like out there. I was a runner to once." You look at the ground remembering him telling you all about his attempt to end his own life. "Please think about it..." You mumble and walk away.
----------------Later that night
You are walking to go to dinner when you hear "Y/N wait!" You turn around and smile seeing Newt walking over to you. "I was a real jerk earlier.. I'm just scared you'll end up hurt.. Or like me." His eyes go icy for a second but he shakes his head and gives you a small smile. "You can become a runner.. As long as you get good proper training and stay with Minho." "Okay!" You shout and wrap your arms around your boyfriend. "I love you Y/N" "I love you Newt"

Minho: Minho looks at you in disbelief. "A runner?" You nod your head and nervously bite your lip. "I would be with you right? So what's so bad about it?" "I don't know just that there's grievers everywhere." He states coldly. You look into his eyes. "I could do it! You know I'm fast." You practically beg. "Pleaseeee." He furrows his brows thinking. "We'll see how you do in training.. And if I think you can do it.. Then I guess. As long as you're with me the WHOLE time." You smile at how protective he is and kiss his cheek. "Of course."

Gally: "Hey Gally?" You say, your voice is small and scared because you know his temper and your question will most likely set him off. "Yeah greenie?" (You aren't the newest member but he likes calling you it so you let it slide) "I-I was considering becoming a runner." You look up at him shyly. His eyes turn cold. "No." "But gal-.." "NO!" He yells this time making you flinch. He then shakes his head and stomps off.
-------------- At the bonfire after Thomas arrives.
"Newt I don't know what to do. I really want to run. Minho said he'd help me but Gally is just being a slinthead!" You ramble. "It's alright love. Just give him time to cool down and firmly tell him you're gonna be a runner." You chuckle. "Like that'll go smoothly."
"What'll go smoothly?" You turn to see Gally. "Nothing." You look down. You don't see it but Newt gives him a stern look and walks away. You hear Gally sigh and say "I was rude earlier." You look up not believing your ears, Gally was apologising? "And if you want to be a runner, be a runner. Just know if you get hurt I'll have to stay buy your side the whole time and tell you corny jokes." He smiles slightly. Your face lights up and you hug him. "Thank you Gal." He smiles and hugs back running your back a bit. "Anything for you princess."


Gallys is cute☺️😋

Eating Toblerone like a boss😜

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