Minho Imagine for @Spottedshadow13

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Your POV:
"So now that you know all the jobs which one do you wanna try for?" Newt asks you.
"I.. I think I wanna be a runner." You say with little courage staring at the large Maze walls.
"Hmm.. We'll talk to Minho later." Newt adds furrowing his brow and walking away.

After the runners had returned you saw Minho and Newt talking and Minho looked at you and nodded. Newt shook his head but made his way to you and said, "Minho said he'd take you up for training. It's not fun. I'd know." And with that he walks off.

"So Y/N, you want to be a runner?" Minho asks.
"Yes." You reply with courage.
"Well training starts after I get back from the Maze tonight." "Okay." He nodded and got his pack on and jogged off into the dangerous place.

As soon as he got back he did what he promised. Some of the hardest running tricks and the longest lectures. Boy he could yap.
It payed off though. In a week you were running along side him in the Maze.

"Now we're gonna split up and meet here for lunch okay?" Minho tells you.
You nod "Mmhmm."
"See you later greenbean" you laugh at the nickname and you two split up.

It was an hour till lunch when you heard a strange sound and started to go in the opposite direction. But you still ran into the scariest thing you've ever seen... A Griever.
You scream and run but it was hot on your tail. You made a couple turns but ended up in a dead end. You turned around and knew you were doomed.
"Oh.. My..." You started as it came towards you but stopped when it shrieked and fell over revealing Minho who had stabbed it with a long stick.
You ran over and hugged him tight.
"You okay?" He asked
"Yeah.. You?"
He nodded. "Let's get you back.. Thomas can finish your section. Can't have you get hurt Twinkletoes." He finished with a wink.
You blushed and nodded running back to the glade together.

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