chapter 1 | old friends

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AN as of jan 2022:
I'm just letting everyone know before they read this, that I wrote the early chapters in April of 2020. I was only a freshman, so my grammar and writing style was definitely not the best.

I promise you guys that the later chapters are actually revised and so much better, as I've become more mature as a person and a writer. You can definitely tell the difference :)

If you get icks from the first few chapters I don't blame you, but if you read on I promise you won't regret it!!

This story is set in 2019 as I thought it might be easier to make a storyline. I don't think I'll write COVID into this story either.


June 15th, 2019

RAIN POURS DOWN. Hard. "Well i guess we don't need to get a car wash anymore." my dad jokes but gets no response from me, my mom, or my sisters. i was tracing raindrops with my finger as they would trickle down the window.

"Hey i know it's not really ideal you guys, but we can get through this as a family." my dad starts speaking again. i almost laughed because we're hardly a family. a normal one anyways. i feel like it's always something. my parents, they're great and all, but they just don't seem to ever understand where my sisters and i are coming from on anything. it's like they were never teens before or something.

As for my sisters, they're not so great. i only love them because i have to. Jordyn, my older sister is 16. she's grown very distant over the years. we used to be really close. but moving all the time eventually became very hard on her because she would get attached to people so quickly and then had to say goodbye months later. she started sneaking out to parties and making stupid decisions. i always covered for her when she came in the house drunk at 3am though. i would always help her to bed. it hurt me so much to see her go downhill like that though. we've not been close for a while now. she just keeps becoming more and more distant. it hurts. i won't lie. but as for my younger sister Evelyn, she's only 11 but knows exactly all the right things that get under my skin. she's just a pain in the a s s.

i stare out the window as we pass by a cornfield.  i was happy to move back. just scared. we left when i was 8. i was torn apart from all my friends. i was torn apart from my best friend Benny. we promised to be best friends forever at only age 6. life was simple back then. we would wake up, eat breakfast, and get our parents to take us to the sandlot for the day. We would play baseball for hours and hours, and even though we were bad it was still so fun.

Benny and I made these friendship bracelets a week before i moved the first time. they were just these pieces of thick string braided and tied, on the ends there were silver beads. we promised to always keep them. and never forget. damn we were pretty deep for 8 year olds.

Evelyn bends over to reach into the snack bag and takes out the oreos. when she peels the top off it reveals that there's only two left.

"Are you shitting me?" Jordyn sees it too. We had just stopped to get those oreos about an hour ago and me and Jordyn hadn't had any yet.

"Hey! Language!" my dad turns around to look at Jordyn.

"Evelyn ate all the oreos." i explain while i roll my eyes.

"Not all of them" she teased waving one in my face.

"you're gonna get fat." i look her dead in her eyes.

"not with my high metabolism." Evelyn replies with a smirk. God i wanted to slap her all the way back to new Jersey at that very moment. she was right though. our whole family has very high metabolism. We've always been lucky enough to be able to eat whatever and not really think anything of it. but still. who in their right mind eats a whole pack of oreos in an hour. that's just insane and disgusting.

what if → Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now