( 𝐢.)

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THE CASTLE is near silent.

After hours of hearing Lady Prunaprismia's agonized, labour-induced cries, the halls are quiet at last. It isn't long before General Glozelle marches past, his bootsteps echoing on the stone as he approaches a figure in the window. I follow without a sound, keeping hidden in the shadows.

"Lord Miraz."

Having waited all day for the news, the Telmarine acknowledges the general's presence without turning around — just a slight inclination of his head.

General Glozelle clears his throat before making the announcement. "You have a son."

My breathing stops. A son. For a moment, that's the only thought that manages to permeate my mind. Then comes another — much more urgent.

I must warn him.



I poke his shoulder harshly. "Caspian," I hiss his name urgently, trying to wake him without raising an alarm in the process. A servant girl should not be in the Prince's quarters at this hour.

The Prince, however, sleeps like an utter rock and I smack his shoulder repeatedly until his eyes open lazily, then narrow in disbelief.


He expected the professor.

"There's no time," I say, trying not to panic as I tug on his arm. "You have to go, come on."

"What? Why are you speaking with an accent?"

Imbecilic boy. Curse it.

I can hear the guards approaching. They'll be here in under a minute. We need to go now.

"Miraz had a son," I explain. "He has a successor. Now he needs a throne."


Imbecile. "There are no stars tonight — Cornelius sent me to get you, he's saddling your horse."

That makes him sit up. "He is?"

"Yes!" I cry. "You have to leave now, they're coming to kill you!"

Finally, Caspian recognizes the danger he's in and shoots out of his bed. I throw a pair of boots at him and hurry to uncover the hidden passage in the back of his wardrobe.

I beckon for him to follow as he shrugs armour on over his cotton shirt. Caspian hurries after me, closing the wardrobe doors behind him and descending into the winding stairwell of the castle columns.

Not long after, I can hear the sound of Caspian's bedroom door being opened far above us. Thank goodness I managed to get this lazy log out of bed.

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