( 𝐯𝐢.)

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OUR FEET hit the sand only moments apart.

I sprint after Edmund — running at full tilt a few feet ahead of me, boots kicking golden sand into the air.

In the distance, High King Peter and Trumpkin haul the rowboat through the shallows to the mouth of the Great River, the Queens watching from shore.

Edmund sees them as well and veers in their direction. I follow, my breaths coming in pants from the strenuous run and my constant laughter and shouting as I chased Edmund down the cliff to the beach. My human form in the absence of any physical enhancements I typically implement is slow and flagging, though I'm not surprised.

Edmund glances over his shoulder at me, a wide grin on his face. And then he falls; crashing to the sand with his feet all twisted and his momentum causing him to flip over his shoulder and onto his back.

I stumble to a stop, uncontrolled laughter exploding from my chest so all I can do is stand next to him and laugh my ass off.

Edmund groans, eyes shut tight and making no move to get up. I would be concerned, but then he starts laughing as well.

The scene keeps replaying in my mind so I can never catch my breath.

Queen Susan calls to us from the channel. "Are you two alright?"

Cracking his eyes open, Edmund lifts his head to look at his sister. "We're fine!" He drops his head back down with a long groan, punctuated by laughter.

His gaze flickers to me. "That hurt," he declares in a gravelly voice.

His words prompt another bought of laughter from me. "That," I protest, wiping tears from my eyes, "was golden."

His eyes flutter shut as he chuckles again. "I would've won."

I grin and stick my hand out. "Whatever you say, your majesty."

Edmund laughs, clasping my hand as he gets to his feet, causing sand to cascade off his clothes in a shimmering cloud. He smiles down at me crookedly, brushing more sand off the front of his tunic. He has some in his hair and on his face, as well.

I reach up with a grin and dust off his forehead. "How did you manage to get it everywhere?"

He stares at me dumbfounded, eyebrows raised. "Did you not see me nosedive?"

I snort unattractively. "Oh, I saw it," I laugh, stepping away from him before I give in to the urge to run my fingers through his dark hair.

"Come on." I start walking backwards, towards the rest of our waiting company. "We have a lot of ground to cover."

Edmund smiles roguishly, shaking more sand from his clothes before following me.

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