( 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬.)

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𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 [2.7.21]


Sabrina and Skandar take off down the beach, the redhead's hair flying in the wind behind her as she laughs and shouts after the boy in front of her. Sand flies up from beneath their bare feet.


Grinning widely, Skandar glances over his shoulder when he hits his mark and immediately trips over his feet, crashing to the ground and rolling through the sand. Sabrina hardly has to force her laughter at the comical sight. She stumbles to a stop next to him, catching her breath between laughing while Skandar, absolutely covered in white sand, makes pained noises and drapes his arm over his eyes, trying not to laugh with her.

Sabrina looks up suddenly towards the marker further along the beach when Anna calls out her line. "Are you two alright!?"

Skandar rolls over and lifts his head to shout in response. "We're f –!" A violent coughing fit interrupts him mid-sentence, a strong gust of wind throwing sand right into his face and prompting Sabrina to swallow her hysterical laughter and shield her eyes. Somewhere offset, Andrew can be heard howling while the two teenagers endure the miniature sandstorm, one of them coughing and the other holding in her laughter to keep from inhaling sand.

"Cut!" He manages, the wind dying down at last. "Let's try it again, guys!"

Still laying on his back on the beach, Skandar groans loudly. "I have to fall again!? "



"Will!" Anna shrieks, throwing her hands up to shield her face from the flying water droplets. He stops messing around with the oars in the water and shoots her an apologetic expression.

"Sorry," he says, trying not to laugh.

Anna shakes her head at him and tries to smooth down her frizzy hair. "You better not have ruined my makeup or Anita's going to be cross with you."

Will waves her off. "She won't; it looks fine."

Georgie looks up from fussing with her dress and giggles. "Skandar, you have a leaf in your hair."

"What?" He reaches up and runs his fingers through his hair in search of said leaf. "And nobody told me?" He accuses, absolutely ruining his carefully-styled hair in the process.

Anna sighs. "Well, you got it," she says. "But now you look like a bushperson."

Will glances between the two of them and shakes his head. "Don't look at me," he chuckles, holding his hands up. "I'm not styling it."

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