V - a shouting match ensues

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"What the hell do you mean you were meant to leave quietly? Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong! What the actual hell are you talking about? Why are you not confessing to the one who made you suffer this way? Why have you not gotten the surgery? Huh? Why? Do you really want to die just like that? Your career is starting to soar and you're still so damn young. Do you really want to leave the world just like that? Over this disease? Are you fucking crazy?"

Well damn. Gulf didn't expect for such an outburst from his Khun Phi. He's fucked. Not only that, but Mew had also actually addressed him by his full name. He's double fucked. He did not understand Mew's anger. Why would his Khun Phi scold him? It's not as if Gulf's death will affect Mew.  In fact, Gulf's death will most likely set Mew free. Mew wouldn't have to constantly put up a front on camera, trying to please the fans.

"Phi... I... Why are you angry?"

"Why am I angry? Why am I angry? Gulf, you're literally going to die if this continues! Do you really think I want to see someone as young as you to give up on life and just accept death with open arms? Are you out of your mind? Yes, we may not be close as what people think but you're crazy if you think I'd let you give up your life just like that."

"Fucking stop shouting at me for fuck sake, Phi. You want me to confess? Fine! Then, fuck you, P'Mew. You're the asshole who's putting me through this. You just had to be you and suddenly, I've fallen in love with you. Fuck! Just... Just forget what I said alright. You weren't supposed to know... At least, not when I'm still alive. I've already accepted my fate, Khun Phi. If you want me to do the surgery, I can't. I just can't. It hurts, Khun Phi. It fucking hurts to think of forgetting how it feels to love you once I get the surgery done. Anyways, in this lifetime, this is just the way I'd die. I've accepted it and I'd rather die knowing I loved you than not knowing how it is to love you.

So please, just let me be. You don't have to pity me. You don't have to love me. I just ask for you to please let be me and pretend all this didn't happen. Let me leave in peace when the time comes. This is my fate. This is what I've chosen for myself, Khun Phi." Gulf willed his feet to remain standing in front of his Khun Phi and willed himself not to fall on his knees. He could feel tears running down his face. Since when he started to cry, Gulf did not know. But fuck, did he hate to seem so weak in front of his Khun Phi and not to forget, P'Bosser who was still in the room listening to them having a shouting match.

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