VI - he welcomes the interruption

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Gulf could have probably responded to Mew differently but he had always disliked getting yelled at. It doesn't matter if it's his Khun Phi who had yelled at him, he still didn't like it. Gulf had always lived by the motto of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". This is why he too had shouted at his Khun Phi. He shouldn't have told Mew the truth. At least, not now. Not when there's a chance his Khun Phi will likely avoid him like a plague after knowing the truth.

"P'Mew, N'Gulf, the makeup crew is coming in soon." Gulf heaved a sigh of relief. He thanked the Heavens above for the welcomed interruption. He quickly wiped his tears away and made his way to his seat waiting to get his makeup touched up, leaving a flabbergasted Mew behind.

"Nong Mew, why are you still standing here? Hurry and get your cute little bum on the chair. We need to get you dolled up just like pretty face over there." The voice of the makeup artist brought Mew back to reality.

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