Ch. 5 Entering Death Academy

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I stand in front of Death Academy and I can't lie, I'm a little afraid. Ok maybe a whole lot of afraid, but can you blame me? This place is actually full of killers and I'm just a fluke. Yeah I killed those boys, but I did it out of fear and a momentary lapse of judgement, these people do it because they just want to.

I gulp and walk through the huge double doors, the sound of them creaking making me jump. In front of me are two people talking. I finally feel a little relieved as I see that one of them is Warden Foxglove.

"Miss Foxglove!" I say as I walk up.

She grins at me as she pinches my cheeks, "Oh if it isn't our little murderous Cinderella! Glad you could actually make it dear! You're just going to love it here, you little psycho!"

She lets go and I rub my cheeks, "I'm not murderous or psychotic..."

He covers her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughs, "says the girl who ripped those boys to shreds! It's ok! There's no judgement on that here!" She looks at me and pokes my side as she walks around me, studying me. "Though you'll have to build up your strength and speed if you're going to survive the Death races though."

I look at her with wide eyes, "Death races?! What's that?"

She waves her hand dismissively as she grins at me, "just a little sadistic game test thingy we do often. But don't worry about that for now! Let's get you to your class." Her grin turns to a smirk, "after your little adventure when you got to town, I just knew what class I should put you in! You're going to love it!! Class G here we come!"

She begins walking and I follow after her. My adventure? What is she talking about? What adventure did I have that guaranteed this class?

When we walk into the class, the teacher stops teaching to look at us. I look around and see that it's slightly designed like a college.

"Heeellllooooo my dear students!" The Warden calls out loudly and happily to the students, "I have here a new student for you! This little gorgeous doll is going to be joining your little class. Treat her kindly~! Toodles my dears!"

She pats my shoulder then points. I follow where she's pointing to the top left of the room. In the very back is several empty seats around someone who's looking down while scribbling something. The fact that no one's around him isn't the shocking part. It's who it is that's shocking, I'd recognize the design on the hood from anywhere, it's Jack.

I look over at her in surprise and she holds a peace sign up to her face as she winks at me and giggles, "enjoy darling!" And with that she's out the door.

I look to the teacher unsure what to do now. I kinda wish I hadn't though. Once I see him my fear returns. It's a man with long silverish white hair and a scar on his face and several on his chest. He honestly looks like he's ready to kill me for interrupting his class.

"Don't just stand there, find a seat," he growls out, shooting me a glare.

"Eep," I squeak out, "y-yes sir!" I hurry up the stairs and head towards the top. I don't dare look around at the other students. I wonder if killers can smell fear like animals can? I finally get to my destination and take a deep breath trying to gather my nerves, "h-hey Jack, may I sit here?"

The boy before me freezes, his pen falling from his hand. He slowly lifts his head to look at me, his eyes wide as he looks at me. "You?! What are you doing here?!"

I shuffle my feet nervously as I answer quietly, "well I killed some guys a few days before we met, and that's why I'm in this town. Apparently I qualified for this school. I don't think I am though... I mean it was self defense..."

He just stares at me as if he isn't sure what to say back. Then he smirks, "soooo that's what you meant by 'in hopes to have at least one friend where you're going'." He shrugs a shoulder, "fine whatever, sit if you like."

I smile in relief at him and sit next to him, "thank you." I look around before looking back at him, "why are you by yourself?"

His smirk widened as he leans towards me, "because I don't play nice with others." He laughs and if it wasn't for already somewhat knowing him, I'd probably be terrified. It's a laugh that's full of insanity.

I smile a small smile at him, "well you seemed to play just fine with me."

He gawks at me, a red streak dusting the bandages on his cheeks, then turns his head to the side, "tch." He goes back to scribbling in his notebook.

I giggle and pull out a notebook of my own and look towards the teacher. Maybe it definitely won't be so bad here, at least I'm in Jacks class. I can't help that what Miss Foxglove said keeps running through my mind. Death Races, huh? What will those be?

The teacher sits there explaining different ways to make sure there's no evidence left behind. I sigh as I listen. Why do I need to know all of this? I don't plan on actually killing someone again.

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