inscription °¦

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college au + Inosuke x Aoi

Aoi wakes up on a fine Sunday morning with a head-splitting pain on her temples and a collection of ugly scribbles on her forehead.

Word count: 6.7k words (too long jskksks I'm not biased I swear)
Warning: unedited; mentions of alcohol and explicit language; aged-up characters

because this is in uni, I imahined Inosuke to be a bit more mature with his actions and word choice. of course, just a little bit xD

semi important announcement at the end! be sure to read ut uf you've got time~ c':


"What the heck?"

Aoi hears a soft hum, followed by puking sounds coming from the bathroom of her shared apartment with Kanao, who happens to be the one barfing rainbows in front of the toilet bowl.

Morning hangovers are the worst. Lucky for them, it's Sunday, and they have the whole day to themselves in the house without anybody bothering them.

Being the one who's attended university first and became familiar with the college kids' ways of drinking, Aoi had her habits under control, unlike Kanao who has way too low alcohol tolerance. They'd only had a few glasses of whiskey, and she's almost sure Kanao's on the verge of dying. But that's not her main problem. What got her ticked off first thing in the morning were the set of scribbles that looked like they were messily written by the one person who just learned how to write (and with a sharpie to top all of that) imprinted right in the middle of her forehead.

+81-090 + xxxxxx
Anything you can do, I can do better!!

"This is ridiculous," she grumbles in front of the sink mirror, continuously scrubbing the mid part of her forehead with soap in an attempt to remove the print that's gloriously written in child's handwriting using a sharpie. Of course, her attempts are futile seeing there's no way to remove the writing with just soap. She'd had to iron her bangs for tomorrow when she comes to school just to cover it up. If only she remembers what had happened the night before.

"Are you okay, Aoi?" asked Kanao who emerged from the bathroom with a towel over her head and bags under her eyes that they could sell to make a fortune.

"I am, just a minor inconvenience. Let's eat breakfast. I also prepared your medicine."

The younger female nods in response, and they make their way to the dining table, with Aoi explaining her miserable situation of having stuck with a stranger's contact information for at least three days on her forehead. Whoever is this dimwit, she'd make sure to find them even in the depths of hell and make them pay the price.

"Why don't you try mailing them?"

Aoi throws an incredulous look at Kanao who calmly sips on her mapo tofu soup.

"You're crazy. I can't possibly do that. It'll be like falling into their traps willingly. What if the one who wrote this is a creep?"

"Then, you're free to block them. I'm sure there's a reason why they wrote their number there. It's up to you to find out," Kanao reasons out, finishing her bowl of soup. Aoi slumps on the table.

Aoi and Kanao spent the rest of the day running around their apartment, cleaning and sleeping. Tomorrow is another busy day for them, and they'd like to make the most of their rare free weekends, which is why they decided to attend their neighborhood's party the day before. Even though she's already a junior, Aoi hadn't attended a lot of parties. If she happens to attend one, she'd make sure she handles her alcohol well. Majoring in pharmaceutical studies also gave her an edge. In the case of last Saturday night, she literally has no idea what happened, and now she's about to lose her mind stressing on whoever is the spawn of Satan that laid their messy hands on her skin.

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