Chapter 13

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Downtown, Renee walked outside to get some fresh air when she saw Seth walking up to the building with two cups of coffee in hand.

"You look like you could use a break." Seth told her.

Renee let out a slight smile as he handed her a cup of coffee. The two walked back down by the canal.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have said that." Seth told her.

"No, no.. It's okay. I'm the one that crossed the line.. You were just reacting to what I said." Renee told him

"Well either way.. I am sorry. I know I put my foot in my mouth sometimes." Seth said.

Renee took a sip of her coffee and tried to clear her head a bit.

"What's going on with you?" Seth asked.

"It's nothing." Renee assured him.

Seth glanced over and could see that something was clearly wrong.

"Come on.. tell me." Seth said as they stopped walking.

Renee looked up at him and took a deep breath.

"It's just this guy at the post. He has it out for me for some reason.." Renee told him.

A bit of curious rage filled Seth's eyes but he tried to stay calm.

"What do you mean he has it out for you? What did he do?" Seth asked casually as he took a sip of his coffee.

"He hasn't done anything.. Not yet anyway." Renee said.

"Are you afraid of him or something?" Seth asked.

"What? No.. Phil's harmless. It's just some things he said are stressing me out. I'm sure it's nothing though." Renee assured him.

Seth took a mental note of the name Phil and nodded along with what she's saying.

"Well hopefully he lays off." Seth said.

"I'm sure he will." Renee told him as they started walking down the canal again.

After school that day, Sasha went home instead of going to the diner with Bayley like she usually did. Her mother was working so she was home alone. But a knock at the door took her by surprise. Sasha looked out the blinds and saw a black SUV parked outside with Joe sitting in the drivers seat. She opened the door to find Alexa standing on her front porch.

"Are you lost?" Sasha asked.

"I think so.. Can I come in?" Alexa asked.

Sasha gave her a bit of an amusing laugh before letting her inside.

"I told my new friend outside we were working on a school project." Alexa said as she looked around Sasha's small kitchen.

"What are you doing here, Alexa?" Sasha asked.

Alexa looked over at her and took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to talk to you." Alexa said.

"What?" Sasha asked.

"All my friends care about is homecoming and going to parties.. Hanging out with you the other day.. That was the realest conversation I've ever had with anyone." Alexa told her.

Sasha gave Alexa a skeptical look.

"I was just about to eat. Are you hungry? Sasha asked.

Alexa let out a smile.

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