Chapter 1

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On his way to math, John would be checking his schedule to see the room number.

"I really have no idea where I'm going." While staring at his schedule, two kids approached him from behind.

"Hey new kid!" John turned around, seeing a green haired kid and purple haired kid.

"Where are you going?" The green haired kid asked, wrapping his arm around John.

"Math. Do you mind showing me where that is?" The two kids looked at each other and smirked, which John failed to notice since he looked back at his schedule.

"Of course. There's a path outside that will get you where you're going quicker. Just follow us."

"Ok. Cool." He gave a goofy grin and followed the two kids outside. When they reached between the buildings, the green haired kid pushed John into the corner and smirked at him.

"Listen, in this school there's a hierarchy that everyone follows. Being weak, you're at the bottom and should do whatever we tell you." John stopped paying attention as he noticed the girl with purple hair from his class walk by the scene. Not wanting to show his ability off, he called out to her.

"HEY! COULD YOU HELP ME OUT HERE!" He yelled out towards her, but she only looked at him and kept walking.

"You're a high tier aren't you? Do it yourself." She thought to herself.

John looked at her with small disgust before activating his ability, and moving to the side to avoid the punch. He used his jacket and wrapped it around the green haired kid's face, and kicked him backwards, making the other kid raise his hands and shoot needles at John. John raised his hands and did the same thing, except his needles cut a lot deeper and were faster.

Seraphina stood there waiting, and wasn't all too surprised to see John walk out of the fight relatively unharmed. What did surprise her was he bumped into her.

"You're garbage." Despite being powerful, the words sent a chill down her spine as he walked away, leaving her there speechless.


John managed to make it to class on time, as he sat down and sighed. He wasn't too delighted when Seraphina also entered the room, and the two gave a silent glare to each other. This class would be a long one...

Vaughn sat in his room drinking tea when he heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in." The door opened, revealing a tall blonde student.

"Ah, Arlo. It's good to see you. What brings you here?"

"Mr. Keene told me to give these to you." He handed him a couple of papers.

"Ah yes. Thank you." Arlo stood there a minute before speaking again.

"I heard there was a new student."

"Ah yes, John. It's unlike you to be interested in someone."

"I was just wondering. I don't usually believe rumors but he's already gotten into a fight with two students. Both are in the infirmary right now." Vaughn wasn't really surprised. At least they wouldn't go after him again.

"Arlo, I will give you a word of warning. Do not provoke John. Even you will have a hard time trying to deal with him."

After class, John practically sprinted towards the cafeteria.

"This school serves chocolate cake?! Sweet!" Luckily, he was able to grab a slice of it and as he turned around he saw Seraphina standing there.

"I want that cake of yours. Give it to me."

"No way. I don't care if you're King, Queen, Ace, or whatever. It's my cake. Go get your own." Seraphina stared blankly, before activating her ability.

"Don't make me repeat myself." By then, everybody was watching. Seraphina exerted authority, and John's body moved to hand her the cake.

"No." He thought, activating his own ability.

"I won't give in." He drops the cake, stunning even Seraphina as he resisted the pressure.

"Woah, a standoff between Seraphina and the new kid!"

"Did he just outsmart her?"

"No way...I heard he was just a cripple?"

"Look at his eyes, he's obviously not a cripple."

"What's she gonna do now?" The words all blurred to Seraphina, as she became livid. Something inside of her snapped when she suddenly punched John, sending him flying back into a wall. He coughed up blood, amazed at the sheer amount of power behind the attack.

"If my ability wasn't activated...that definitely would've knocked me out." Seeing that John was still conscious, she tried to freeze him and set him as an example. About halfway through freezing him, it stopped suddenly, surprising her.

"What...?" John only smirked as he stood up, unfreezing himself, surprising everybody.

"He's a high-tier?!" John ignored them and wiped his lip, disappearing from sight. After a second Seraphina felt herself fly into a wall, and looked up to see John standing above her. He bent down, and grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up.

"This is what I think about your stupid hierarchy." He let her go and dropped her, as she coughed and gasped for air, taking a breath she didn't realize she was holding. He used her ability to rewind his wounds, and walked out of the cafeteria but not before taking the cake of a frightened student. Everyone stood in shock as they just witnessed Seraphina be defeated, and all she could do was watch John's retreating form as tears filled her eyes.

"I was supposed to be perfect..."

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