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John stood in front of his mirror, looking at his messy raven hair. He was debating on whether or not he should put on his gel.

"Hm...I don't think I'm gonna need the gel. It doesn't suit me." He left the bathroom and put on his uniform jacket and bookbag. Today would be his first day at Wellston. He was lucky to have gotten in. Before he could attend class though, he had to go meet with the Headmaster. Something about the man intimidated him. The amount of authority that pours from the man was enough to make anyone tremble with fear. He had only spoken to him from his laptop, but just that was enough to make John worry. Taking a deep breath and pushing those thoughts out of his head, John stepped outside his house and took a deep breath. He had a strange feeling about today.

John approached Wellston and stood in front of it, staring.

"Wow. This place is huge." He took a step forward onto the campus, and he felt himself pass through a barrier, catching him off guard slightly.

"I guess that means they know I'm here." John waited for a minute and sure enough, a man with glasses came walking out of the front door. He noticed John wore the standard uniform and gave a big smile.

"Welcome to Wellston! You must be John." He extended his hand out, and John shook his hand.

"My name is Keene. I'm the head of security here at Wellston. Headmaster Vaughn is expecting you. If you'll follow me." Keene and John approached the office. Before Keene could knock, Vaughn called them in. John stood in front of his desk, and quickly masked the fear he seemed to feel.

"Welcome to Wellston, John. I wanted to talk to you before I let you start your classes. I want your word John. What happened at your old school will not happen here. Understand?"

"Yes Headmaster." He gave a respectful bow.

"Good. I won't restrict your rights like other schools might. You can use your ability freely here. Just don't let it get out of hand. That's all. You are dismissed. Keene, help him find his first class."

"Yes sir." Keene nodded and opened the door for John. John nodded to him and walked out. With the click of a door, Vaughn was left alone. He took a sip of his drink and gave a small smile.

"This should go well."

John and Keene approached the English room, and Keene knocked on the door. The teacher looked over and quickly walked to the door. She opened it and stepped outside for a second.

"He's your mess now. Take care."

"Thank you, Mr. Keene. I'll be your English teacher John. My name is Mrs. Edgewell. Step inside so I can introduce you to the class." John did that and stepped inside, catching the attention of the students. The teacher was right behind him.

"Alright class, I realize it's a bit late in the year but today we have a new student. Please, introduce yourself." John nodded and looked at the class.

"My name is John. It's nice to meet you all."

"There is an empty seat next to Blyke right there. Blyke raise your hand." A kid with red hair raised his hand, and John walked to the seat. He sat down and glanced at Blyke.

After class had ended, John was looking over his schedule.

"Math next huh? Hope it's not too hard." He noticed a blue haired girl approaching his desk with a smile.

"Hi John! I'm Elaine, welcome to Wellston!"

"Woah...she's super cute."

"Thanks, it's been weird being at a school like this."

"Where'd you transfer from?" This is where John had to be careful. He didn't want people to know where he was from, so he quickly made up a lie in his head. Well, not really a lie. More of a half-truth.

"I was home schooled before this, actually."

"Woah, really? I don't think I know anyone that was home schooled..."

"I bet not. It was difficult to get in here, but I managed."

"That's good! So John, what kind of ability do you have?" John wasn't surprised to hear this question. He was surprised that Elaine seemed genuinely curious instead of trying to be condescending. Taking a deep breath, he gave an answer.

"My ability is called Aura Manipulation." At the word Manipulation, a girl with purple hair tied into a ponytail looked over.

"Manipulation? So he's a high tier..."

"What does it do?" Elaine asked, confused. She's never heard of an ability like that.

"I'll show you some other time. I have to get to class. It's apparently all the way on the other side of the school. Sorry Elaine!" He gave an apologetic smile and picked up his bookbag and left. Elaine stood there, with a small blush on her face.

"He's kinda hot..."

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