Chapter 5

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Out of all the fights John has been in, he wouldn't have ever considered himself scared of his opponent. But those fights never prepared him for an angry dad.

"Hey Dad."

"WHENITELLYOUTOCALLMEIEXPECT-" John immediately pulled the phone away from his ear, as his dad continued yelling for a good 5 minutes. Once John didn't hear anything, he put the phone back to his ear.

"I'm sorry, I just got busy today."

"I want you to tell me about your fight John." The tone in William's voice was commanding, not as soft as he was used to. He told him about how two kids tried to pick on him and how he asked her to help and she walked off, so he beat them (much to William's dismay) but he calmed down when he said they were only sent to the infirmary. When he got to the cake part, William listened closely. Hearing about her reaction from John made him close his eyes and think back to a conversation they had.

John walked into his apartment, and wasn't all too surprised to see William waiting for him.

"Your principal called. You've been suspended for three days." John scoffed and tried to walk by, but William stepped in front of him.

"Listen to me John."

"Why? Those jerks are getting exactly what they deserve."

"But who are you to decide that?" The room got quiet for a minute.

"I'm King. I get to decide what happens at that school and what doesn't. That school belongs to me." William only looked saddened.

His John was gone. Claire was right, he changed. William cursed himself mentally for not doing more for his son. John was full of anger, and as he is now, his new book wouldn't be able to reach him. He loved John. John was the only family he had, but he had to learn one way or another. If Claire didn't get through, then he hoped he could. He bent down on one knee and put a hand on his shoulder.

"More than anyone, I know what it's like to feel that anger John. I'm a cripple. You're stronger than anyone I've met before, and that power is a gift. You talk about how everyone is "garbage", but you're acting just like them." John was about to retaliate before William held a hand up, stopping him.

"Listen, son. In your words, you're better than them, right? Then act like it. Because no matter how powerful your ability is, if you don't have the power here," he poked John's chest, referring to his heart. "Then you're as powerless as a cripple."

Coming back to the present, William opened his eyes.

"Remember John, everyone has something happen to them to make them the way they are. Seraphina sounds like she has a lot riding on her shoulders. She is one of the strongest. With power comes pressure. People will crack sooner or later." John remained silent. Her expression when he defeated her wasn't just of fear or hate.

It was loneliness. He pictured himself sitting in the chair with his hands restrained before he sighed.

"You're right, Dad. I'll try to talk to her tomorrow." William smiled warmly.

"John, I'm proud of you."

"Huh? Where'd that come from?"

"Nowhere. Now get some sleep son, I've kept you long enough. I'll call you tomorrow. I'm not sure when but I will. Take care, okay? I love you." John closed his eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Dad. Take care." He hung up, and stood up, heading to his room. He pulled a book out of his drawer, and looked at it.


Sitting down on his bed, John began to read through it until he fell asleep.

Claire was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling when her ability randomly activated, surprising her as her eyes began to glow ruby red. She saw a girl with purple hair arguing with John, holding a paper with John's records.

"Expelled huh? You have no right to talk to me how you do! All you are is a monster and everyone should know what you are!" John's preciously calm demeanor melted away as his eyes flashed burnt yellow.

"You b*tch!" Before she could even move, John was on her and beating her down. Even after her ability had deactivated, John didn't stop.

Her ability deactivated, and she jumped out of bed, grabbing her phone. She dialed a number and waited.

"Hello? Claire?" 

"Hey Mr. Doe. We have a problem. A big problem."

"What's going on?"

"I had a vision of John and this girl with purple hair. She was holding John's records. John beat her...and he didn't stop. Not even after she was unconscious..." William sighed. He was afraid of something like that, but how did she- no, how WOULD she even get her hands on that?

"So what are we going to do?"

"If I payed for it, how soon do you think you could get here?"

"About two days by plane."

"Alright. Get packing, I'll talk to your parents."

"Alright. Take care, William." He hung up, and she immediately called John. He didn't answer, so she texted him.

"John, when you get this call me. It's important."

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