XIV: I'm Staying [1/2]

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Yuri removed herself from the hug. Before asking me again. "Then what about you being my girlfriend" I almost forgot. Aishhhh ... I really have to teach Chaeyeon how to shut up.

"I didn't tell them that you're my girlfriend ... Chaeyeon just likes to tease me" I could see her smile a little.She must be really embarrassed when Chaeyeon suddenly spoke about that.

"Speaking of Chaeyeon, where is she?" Yuri suddenly asked as I thought about where Chaeyeon was. "Ummmmmmm ... She's in my room, wait here i'll go get her" she nodded as I went to my room.

It's been three minutes since I entered my room and I still couldnt find Chaeyeon. Maybe she already left? Ahh, I dont know. I'll might as well just call her. Gladly she picked up the call immediately.

"Hello, where are you?"

"At Sakura unnie's room"

"Wait, why are you ..."

"Sorry Yena, i'll tell you later"

"But ..."

"Dont worry, I'm staying here"

Then she ended the call. I started to question how on earth did she go to Sakura unnie's room. Even i'm afraid to go there. I just went back to Yuri's room and told her what happened.

"So Chaeyeon unnie is with Sakura unnie?" I said yes as a reply. I could seen the surprised expression coming from her face.

[ Chaeyeon's POV ]

I forgot where Yena's room is. 3-D, 3-E ... was it 3-F or 3-G? I cant remember. I just know its in one of these two rooms. I was about to enter 3-F when I realized that the lights were open. I looked to see the other room and the lights were closed. I guess it's this one.

I entered the room with the lights closed. I went further in as I heard the door suddenly shut! It was like I was in a horror movie. I couldnt really see anything since it was dark. I tried to look for the light switch, I finally found it but before I could do anything someone blindfolded me. I felt like I was being kidnapped. I triedbtl escape but the person was too strong. She sat me down to a chair. My hands were tied and I coudnt move. I was more scared than anything. There was silence as I asked the person about why she's doing this. But she didnt reply. I told her that I was going to Yena's room. But still got no reply.

"I've never seen you before ..." I felt shivers when she spoke. Ahhhh! I shouldnt have come here at the first place.

"I-I'm Ye-yena's friend" I was stuttering, I just want to leave.

"Yena's friend?" then I nodded very eagerly. I felt her remove my blindfold. She removed it from me as I saw her. She was beautiful, even though it was dark you could still see her glowing. "Woah ..." she stared at me intensely. She wasnt really speaking a word. She was just looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that!? Aren't you scared!?" I was startled yes, but scared no. She looked so cute, she looked as if she wants to kill me but still.

"N-no" Then she came up to me. Held my neck and pushed me to a wall. She was strangling me. Its getting harder and harder to breathe. I tried pushing her away but she's just too strong. I can hardly breathe.

"Still not afraid?" then she removed her hand from my neck. I inhaled every type of air that came near my mouth. She was still staring at me. This girl is totally crazy! But when I looked up at her, she looked really soft. She's so cute, it's like a baby is scaring me. "Cute" I was so immense by my thoughts that I uttered that word. She looked at me with confusion and shock.

"I could KILL you" I looked at her from head to toe then smiled. She looks like she cant kill me. But I feel that if she wanted to, she will. "ummm ... No you won't" I dont know why I said those words. I might be crazy. I just stared at her as I saw her get something from the table. It was a knife ...

I have never been scared like this before. She was slowly coming closer to me with the knife. I could see anger from her eyes, I wanted to run and leave the room. But my body stood frozen, I couldnt really move. She was coming closer and closer.

"You-your not go-going to hu-hurt m-me are you" I was stuttering, my voice was also squeaking. She still looked at me with her terrifying gaze. "You know that killing people is wrong, right?" She still came closer.

She pinned me to a wall again and putted the knife near my neck. She came closer to me and breathed near my neck. I could feel her warm breath, and it suffocated me for some reason. Then she went to my ear and whispered "Any last words?" I didnt know what to do. Tears flowed as she said those words. She then went to my face, it was like we were having a staring contest. The knife was still focused on my neck as her face was focused on me. Her gaze was scaring me as she went closer and closer. Our faces were almost touching each other.

And in the most scariest part of my life. I did the dumbest and gayest possible thing that I could do. I KISSED HER.

It was about for five seconds. The knife fell from her hand as we both stood frozen. I couldnt believe what I just did and even ahe couldnt believe what was happening.

"you ... you ... YOU KISSED ME!?" She was screaming. The girl that was scaring me a earlier was gone. She went to the table and started breaking things. I throwed everything she held. It was chaos inside her room. I-I dont know what to do, this is all my fault. So I did the second most dumbest thing that I would do and hugged her. As I was hugging her I tried to stop her and good thing she stopped.

"LET GO OF ME!" If she's stubborn then i'm more stubborn. "No" She tried to escape from me but I still hugged her.

"Stop ..." then she stopped trying to escape. She hugged me back as I felt her tears flowing at my back. She was only pretending to be strong. Here I am seeing her weak side makes me want to comfort her.

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