Chapter 13

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Lim was the first one to wake up the next morning, mainly because she hadn't slept a wink that night. She was too worried about her discussion with Andrews, but she also hadn't been sleeping well for the past few weeks since she had been home from the hospital. She quietly turned off the oxygen concentrator and removed the nasal cannula before going to shower. She turned on the water and the warmth always seemed to be a comfort to her right now. She heard Melendez come into the bathroom to brush his teeth and she couldn't help but flinch a little when she heard him cough. Lim turned off the water and asked, "Neil, is it okay if I come out?"

Neil scowled into the mirror, "Of course, we have seen each other in that manner once before," he reminded. Sure, they hadn't had sex since that initial night, Lim still wasn't feeling up to it, but still, they were boyfriend and girlfriend now. They could trust each other.

"I know, I just lost a lot of weight while I was in the hospital, that's all," she wrapped herself in a towel. She wasn't bare down to her bones, but she was a lot less muscular than she had been a short time ago. Funny, she had never given a rat's ass about looks, hair, make-up, or anything else like that before now.

Melendez kissed her temple, "Audrey, you're beautiful. Even when you wear comic book t-shirts and big glasses," he teased. He went to get dressed before turning back, "Um, I know we can't go in the same car to work, but we should also space out when we arrive."

"Right. I have a meeting with Andrews anyways, though, so it probably doesn't matter," said Lim.

"Ooh. Good luck," Melendez left the room. Several moments later, Lim heard him pulling out of the driveway. She quickly dressed in dress pants and a blouse, figuring on the off chance that Andrews did indeed clear her to work, she could change into the scrubs in her locker. She drove over to St. Bonaventure and slowly made her way to Andrews's office. She knocked on the door and he looked up and motioned her into the room, "You wanted to see me," she said.

"Yes, I did. Have a seat, Dr. Lim," she hesitantly sat down in the chair across from his desk and he began, "Please know, I'm not going to suspend you. I realize the incident yesterday was beyond your control," Lim was sure she visibly relaxed. She hadn't expected that response. Honestly, she was expecting to be handed the pink slip straight away, "However, since you are a physician, I cannot let you put other patients' lives at risk."

"Sir, I promise, as long as I stay out of the emergency room, I will be fine," she pleaded.

"You don't know that, Dr. Lim," scolded Andrews, "Yesterday, it was the emergency room. What if the next time is the operating room? If what happened yesterday happens there, then so much could be on the line: the hospital's reputation, your medical license, and most importantly, people's lives," Lim sighed, biting her tongue as not to say something she'd later regret, "Dr. Lim," Andrews softened his voice, "You are one of the best surgeons I've ever met in my entire career and easily one of the best doctors here at St. Bonaventure. You have the focus it took me years to get, you even had it when you were a resident, but I need all of my surgeons here at this hospital to be on their game and be functioning at 110%. Therefore, I am recommending you take some more time off from work."

"And by recommending, you really mean...?"

"Mandating, that is correct," affirmed Andrews, "When you feel ready to work again, in all departments, we'll discuss it. But for now, you are dismissed."

Lim took a deep breath and grabbed her jacket and bag, "Sir, do I have to clean out my locker?"

"If there's anything you'll need in it during your time off, then yes, but I'm not firing you if that is what you're asking," said Andrews, "Now, I think someone is looking to speak with you," he pointed to where Melendez was waiting outside his office.

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