Chapter 31

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When Lim and Melendez told Gabi about their relationship, as predicted, she was very happy for them: but they had no doubt she would be. Once the weekend of Lim's birthday rolled around, Lim insisted that she be the one to pick up Josh from the airport and tell them about their relationship on the ride back to their house. Friday June 28th arrived, though Josh's flight wasn't supposed to get in until early evening after Lim finished with work for the day. Lim was just getting ready to leave for the airport when Melendez briefly stopped her. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"I'll pick up Josh from the airport. I'll tell him everything on the ride here while he's trapped in a car, and if he doesn't like it, I'm more than happy to leave him on the side of the road," explained Lim.

Melendez couldn't help but chuckle. "That's my girl." He kissed her. "Josh is staying at a hotel though, right?"

"Unless he's willing to sleep on the floor, the couch, or the same bed as us, yes," she smirked. "I have to get going. I'll see you soon."

Thankfully, there was no traffic on the way to the airport, so Lim was able to stand on the other side of security waiting for Josh's flight to come in. She smiled broadly when he saw her coming toward her. "Limmy!" He hugged her excitedly.

"Josh, for Pete's sake, we're full-grown adults. You no longer need to call me that," scolded Lim.

"Sorry," he apologized, though she knew he didn't mean it.

"How was your flight?" she asked as they went toward the parking lot.

"Long, squished, boring," he admitted. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"Well, I found Mom's recipe for beef noodle soup, so I was thinking some of that for dinner," Lim smiled.

"Sounds great. Though I'm pretty sure it'll never be quite as great as Mom's," he joked.

Lim glared and smacked his chest playfully before getting into the driver's seat. "You're still such an ass."

Once they were on the road, they had forty minutes to kill with conversation, so Josh hesitantly spoke, "So, how have your lungs been?"

"Pretty good," she admitted. "Last appointment they were up to 80%, no majors scares since I got pneumonia."

"That's good,. Josh sighed in relief. "And...the other thing?"

Lim sighed. "The main thing I still struggle with is nightmares." Josh nodded, not planning to further the subject. "Enough about me; how have you been?"

"Good, I got a promotion at work, which included a raise," he said proudly. "So is it just going to be you and me tonight?"

It's now or never, thought Lim to herself. "No, Neil is going to be with us."

"Oh, you invited him over tonight?" asked Josh curiously.

"Kind of have to. He lives there," said Lim bluntly.

"Wait? Lives there?" asked Josh in astonishment.

"Yeah, it often happens when people are in relationships," added Lim.

"You're in a relationship with Neil? I thought you both were just friends?"

"We were. And now we're more than friends. Have been since February," continued Lim.

"And you're already living together?" asked Josh. Lim shrugged. "Sis, may I remind you about how your last relationship went?"

"Into the crapper, the way yours did," said Lim backhandedly. "And I took things slow with Kashal, and it worked out great didn't it? So if it feels right, that's all that matters," she said assertively.

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