Chapter 22

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When the alarm went off early the next morning, both Melendez and Lim regretted staying up until well past midnight. Thankfully, Melendez only had clinicals that day and Lim would be covering the ER, which was a task she could do with her eyes closed. Both of their phones also chimed with the text message alerts, so they checked them in unison, "Andrews says he wants everyone to meet in the conference room at 9 AM. Wants to introduce us to someone," read Melendez.

"Oh goody. As if we didn't do enough schmoozing Friday night," groaned Lim sarcastically, "Let's go. We definitely don't want to get on Andrews's bad side."

They both showered and threw on scrubs or dress clothes before heading downstairs. Melendez was just about to leave when he turned to Lim and asked, "Hey, did you want to go in together?" Lim looked at him skeptically, "Come on, Aud, it's not like people don't know about us after Friday."

"Alright," she succumbed and got into the front passenger's seat of his car.

They arrived at St. Bonaventure and went to the elevator closest to the main conference room. Of course, out of all of the physicians at St. Bonaventure, Dr. Marcus Andrews had to quickly waltz in with them, "Dr. Melendez, Dr. Lim," he greeted politely.

"Dr. Andrews," they nodded.

They all stared straight ahead of them when Andrews asked, "I trust you both enjoyed yourselves at the gala on Friday evening?" he tried his best to make small talk.

"As much as we possibly could for that type of event," said Melendez.

"Good," Andrews pushed the button for the fifth floor and they stayed silent the entire ride up to it. It was even more awkward than that elevator ride they had done with Claire. The doors opened and Andrews said, "Well, I'll see you both in a few moments," he said and left.

Lim and Melendez stepped off the elevator and turned to each other, "Well that was one of the most uncomfortable encounters in my entire life and I had Dr. Murphy ask me if I was scoring with you the other night," said Lim.

Melendez scowled, "Where would he have heard a term like that one?"

"One of the other residents, I'm sure," she emphasized as they entered the already crowded conference room. They both nodded towards the said residents in greeting.

Andrews stood in front of the room, Allegra close behind him, "If I could have everyone's attention please?" he announced and everyone focused on the hospital's president, "First of all, I am pleased to announce that Friday's gala was one of the most successful in St. Bonaventure's history and I have each and every one of you to thank for that. I'd also like to remind everyone that, even though we occasionally like to relax, not to let your personal life interfere with your professional life," Melendez and Lim both held in a sigh. Though Andrews didn't say it outright, they both just knew it was directed towards them, "On that note, because of that hard work and dedication, we have become a distinguished surgical center both in California and the country as a whole. Unfortunately, as hospital president, I have been informed that I can no longer hold the Chief of Surgery position," everyone in the room looked over towards Melendez and Lim while they glanced at each other. Was this going to be Andrews's way of keeping them apart? They wouldn't put it past him, "After a national search, I would like to introduce all of you to San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital's newest Chief of Surgery, Dr. Jackson Han."

Everyone clapped respectfully as an older gentleman who appeared to be in his late-forties to early-fifties came to the front of the room and waved graciously, "Thank you Dr. Andrews and thank you everyone. I am so grateful to begin my journey here at this great institution. I know it will be a challenge to fill the shoes of you as you have to fill the shoes of Dr. Aaron Glassman, but I am willing to take on that task. This hospital is one of the best, but I don't want it to be just one of the best, I want it to be THE best in the nation. So with keeping what works and changing aspects that don't work, I know we can do that. Together."

Andrews stepped forward again and said, "Now, I'd like each and every one of you to make Dr. Han feel welcome. You are all dismissed."

The surgeons and staff slowly filtered out of the room when Lim turned to Melendez and asked, "What do you suppose Dr. Han meant by changing aspects that don't work? Everything seems just fine to me," she commented.

"I'm sure there are things that can be fixed. What I don't appreciate is the dig Andrews made at the two of us," said Melendez. He looked at his watch, "I've got to get going, my first appointment is in twenty minutes," he squeezed her hand, "Love you."

"Love you too," she said before heading towards the ER.


When Lim arrived at the ER, Shaun and Claire were waiting for her, but they weren't alone. Han was also waiting with them, "Dr. Murphy, Dr. Browne, Dr. Han," she acknowledged all of them.

"You must be Dr. Audrey Lim. Dr. Andrews has told me great things about you," Han shook her hand.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it," she smiled graciously.

"Well, don't let me intrude, I'm just going to walk around the hospital and get a feel for the place, so don't mind my observing," he gestured.

Lim nodded slowly and she went straight to work along with Shaun and Claire. Considering she had felt no panic symptoms, Shaun had remained calm all day, and she didn't lose any patients, she considered that an excellent day. Lim couldn't help but notice how often Dr. Han came by the ER, ten times to be exact. She wondered if the other surgeons were being watched this closely. When it was time to leave, she went to the locker room and changed into jeans, a blouse, and grabbed her black leather jacket and bag before heading towards Melendez's office, though he wasn't there waiting for her when she arrived. When he finally showed up, he smiled softly and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," she nodded and followed him to his car. Melendez couldn't help but notice how quiet she was on the way back to his house, but he knew it wasn't a good idea to pressure her to talk unless she felt comfortable doing so. Later that night, as they were getting ready for bed, Lim sat down on the bed next to him and asked, "Hey, did Dr. Han shadow you today?"

Melendez shrugged, "Not really. He came by my office earlier today and watched me working for about fifteen minutes, but then he moved on. Why?"

Lim sighed, "Because he came by the ER ten times today and he seemed really interested in me and Dr. Murphy," she informed.

"You and Dr. Murphy why? And why not Dr. Browne? Wasn't she with you today?" asked Melendez.

Lim nodded, "She was, but he didn't talk to her as much. I don't know what it is, but there's something about him I just don't trust."

Melendez laughed and Lim widened her eyes at him, "I'm sure you're just overthinking this, Audrey."

"Am I?" she asked him suspiciously, "Because what you call overthinking I call woman's intuition. You wouldn't understand; you're not a woman."

"Listen Aud, he's probably just trying to get to know everyone and how everything's run at St. Bonaventure and we have the top emergency department in San Jose run by one of the best trauma surgeons in the United States," Lim raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm just saying, Audrey, I usually tell you to trust your instincts about things because you've had that keen awareness ever since you first one upped me during our first surgery together as residents, but right now, I'm going to trust mine. Dr. Han is just learning about the hospital and the people who work there, that's all."

Lim bit her lip, if only not to start a terrible argument, "Fine," she huffed and closed her iPad before laying it on the nightstand.

Melendez turned off the light and kissed her temple, "Now get some sleep. You have to continue showing everyone in that emergency room who's boss."

Lim chuckled a little; Melendez could always manage to find a way to make her laugh, "Alright, I love you," she mocked in amusement.

"I love you too. Good night, Audrey."

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