Chapter 27

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Glassman's funeral was scheduled for that Saturday, so many of the surgeons who weren't already off took off for the service. Melendez and Lim hadn't discussed living together any further as their plans were on hold until after the funeral. The morning of the service, neither Melendez nor Lim quite knew how to comfort each other. Glassman had been their supervisor when they were residents, watching over them as they performed surgeries, harping on them when they weren't living up to his expectations, but supporting them and encouraging them at the same time. Melendez came out of the bathroom to find Audrey sitting on the bed, gazing at the picture of her and Melendez at that party when they were residents. He silently sat down next to her and laid his hand on her knee. She jumped a little, but looked up at him and smiled sadly, "We were celebrating our first successful surgery together where we didn't end up fighting afterward."

"I know," sighed Melendez, taking the picture from her, "Dr. Glassman was so proud of us."

Lim wiped away a few tears from her eyes, "I knew it was probably coming when I found out about his cancer diagnosis, but now that it's here..."

"Hey," Melendez kissed her temple, "You know it's okay to cry. You don't always have to be a hard-ass."

Lim chuckled a little and wiped her cheeks again, "He was like a father to me."

"He was like a father to everyone at St. Bonaventure," Melendez remembered fondly, "But you and I know Dr. Glassman wouldn't want us to be sad. He'd want us to celebrate his life. He'd say something along the lines of not to mope around because of me. You have work to do and patients to save," Melendez did his best impression of Glassman.

Lim couldn't help but giggle at Melendez's awful impression of Glassman. She glanced at her watch, "Well, we better get going if we don't want to be late."


Meanwhile, at the church, many of the other physicians had already arrived to pay their respects, Debbie Wexler standing over the now closed coffin. Jared had flown in from Denver when he heard about Dr. Glassman's death; Claire had let him know about the former president's passing, so he had taken an Uber from the airport and changed into dress clothes when he got to the church. He quietly approached Claire, Shaun, Park, and Morgan and laid a hand on Claire's shoulder. She turned to face him and smiled softly, "Hi Jared," she gave him a quick embrace.

"Nice to see you all again. Sad that it has to be under these circumstances," Jared hugged Morgan and shook Park's hand as well. He turned to Shaun and asked, "How are you doing, Shaun?"

Shaun took a deep, sad breath and said, "Lea has been listening to me whenever I want to talk about Dr. Glassman. She's been a good friend. Dr. Lim also taught me how to do square breathing whenever I feel sad."

Jared nodded. The residents heard the church doors open and Lim and Melendez entered hand in hand. Jared furrowed his brow and gestured his head toward his two former supervisors, "They got together after you left," explained Claire. Jared nodded. He figured it was only a matter of time. He could see the flirty banter between the two of them with their bet where he had worked with Shaun along with the charity gala he had attended during his time as a resident at St. Bonaventure.

The minister stood at the pulpit and everyone found seats in the pews. He cleared his throat, "Friends and family, I welcome you today as we celebrate and honor the life of Dr. Aaron Joel Glassman. Many of us here remember him as president of San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, others of us here remember him as a friend, but we all remember him as a great man. At this time, Dr. Glassman's friend, Jessica Preston, would like to say a few words."

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