Chapter 24

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Andrews did the performance reviews and made sure to glorify both Murphy and Lim. Thankfully, Han left both surgeons alone after he had confirmation from Andrews about their abilities; he did have to trust his boss after all. It made Lim feel 100 times calmer knowing she wasn't constantly being followed. It relieved Melendez as well; a rage built up inside of him every time someone even dared to mess with his girl. As much as Lim sometimes hated Melendez's slight over protectiveness, deep down, she admired him sticking up for her.

Melendez was working the overnight shift and since it was nearing midnight, he decided to stop and eat before his next consultation. He went into the main break room and Dr. Han was there eating as well. Melendez hadn't interacted with Han much in the two weeks he had been Chief of Surgery, but he really couldn't be rude and ignore his new boss, so Melendez said, "Good evening, Dr. Han."

Han looked up from the newspaper he was reading and said, "Dr. Melendez."

The uncomfortable silence returned between the two surgeons because Melendez honestly didn't know how to further the conversation, "Have you been adjusting to your new position?"

"I have. Thanks for asking," he said, "Everyone has been very welcoming and Dr. Andrews has been showing me the ropes. It still amazes me how excellent this center really is."

"Well, we have a strong legacy of presidents and Chiefs of Surgery," said Melendez.

"And also the great surgeons who work here," said Han.

Melendez nodded and then hesitated about what he was going to say next. He decided to anyways because it's not like he'd lose out on a promotion at this point, "Then why did you want performance reviews for Dr. Murphy and Dr. Lim?"

"I have to make sure all surgeons were performing up to standards, Dr. Melendez," emphasized Han.

Melendez was quiet before he said, "You know I was like you once. Thinking I could become Chief of Surgery and change everything. When Dr. Murphy first started here, I doubted his abilities as a surgeon based purely on the fact that he has autism. And on top of that, you doubted Dr. Lim could be a good surgeon because she was diagnosed with PTSD. But after working with him for almost two years now, Dr. Murphy not only has my trust, he has my respect. And Dr. Lim...let me tell you, she's working damn hard to get better and I am so proud of her. You don't know what it was like. We were both afraid her career was over. But she persisted through it like she always does, just like Dr. Murphy always does, like we all do when we have our bad days. I was really mad about not getting Chief of Surgery because I wanted the power. Dr. Lim even called me out on it. But now, I'm sort of grateful I didn't get it, because I've learned there are more important things in life: the woman I love, seeing my residents grow as surgeons, and seeing St. Bonaventure grow as a whole, something I might have been blind to if I had been promoted."

"I see," Dr. Han crossed his arms over his chest, "And you're telling me this evaluation is coming from no bias whatsoever."

"Maybe a little," Melendez admitted truthfully, "But Dr. Murphy is like a son to me and I learn new things from him every day just as he does from me. And in regards to Dr. Lim, that analysis wasn't from Audrey's boyfriend, it was from her competitor and friend who watched her become one of the best trauma surgeons in the country," Melendez stood to leave, "I know it's not my place to tell you how to run the hospital, but it is something to think about. Have a good night, Dr. Han."


Melendez arrived back at his house around 7:30 the next morning. He showered and ate before he fell into bed and noticed that there was a text message on his phone. Naturally, it was from Lim, "Might have to cancel our date tonight. Think I'm getting a cold, so I called in sick."

Melendez put his phone on his nightstand and figured he could stop by to check on her later. He was exhausted from covering the night shift, so he definitely needed some sleep. He woke up around one in the afternoon, and even though he had no more messages from Lim, he decided to stop by her house anyways. He swung by Walgreens and picked up a few things for her, telling himself it was the doctor side of him and not the boyfriend side doing so. He used his key to get into Lim's house; they were far enough into the relationship that they both had keys to each other's houses, but Lim wasn't in the living room, so Melendez went upstairs where she was watching TV in her room. She glanced over a little confused, but smiled, "You didn't have to come over."

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to, and I brought you a present," he held up the Walgreens bag full of Vicks VapoRub, Nyquil, Tylenol, throat lozenges, and tissues, "Think of it as your doctor taking care of you," he kissed her.

She chuckled lightly, "I'm surprised you want to kiss me. I'll probably make you sick."

"That's okay," he said and lied down on the bed next to her, "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap, full of snot," she admitted graphically, "How was work?"

"Uneventful, which is how I like it," he answered. Lim coughed a little, and at least to Melendez, she sounded awful. He felt her forehead and asked, "You feel a little warm, Audrey. Are you sure it's just a cold?"

"Positive, Neil," she affirmed. She coughed some more, and again, it sounded pretty bad to Melendez's trained ears, "I've felt a little off for a few days. I'll take a hot bath and use the oxygen concentrator tonight and I'll be fine."

"Mm. You want some company?" he smirked at her.

Lim raised an eyebrow at him. He'd be up for "company" every night if she allowed him, "You can stay, but no, I don't need you to bathe with me and no, you're not getting any from me," Melendez looked disappointed, so Lim rolled over to face him and said, "Tell you what? Once I'm over this, we can go out for a nice romantic dinner and then we can have a wonderfully passionate evening," she described.

"You hate romance," reminded Melendez amusingly.

"I like it occasionally," she smiled, "So, do we have a deal?"

Melendez couldn't help but smile back. God was Audrey Lim absolutely adorable when she wanted to be, "Deal," he kissed her forehead, which still felt warm to him. Lim went to the bathroom and Melendez said, "Wouldn't hurt to check your temperature, Lim!"

"Okay, okay!" she shouted.

Since Melendez didn't have to work the next day as he had covered the night shift, the couple spent the rest of the night channel surfing, but Lim fell asleep fairly early, so Melendez read on his iPad until he was tired. At about two in the morning, he was startled awake when he heard Lim coughing and wheezing next to him. He sat up and rubbed her back, "Audrey, are you alright?"

Lim tried to answer, but she couldn't with the coughing, so she shook her head, "No," she finally squeaked out, struggling to catch her breath, ""The inhaler...isn't...working," she gasped for air.

Melendez felt Lim's forehead and it was as hot as fire, which clearly indicated a high fever. Her face was flushed, she was shaking with chills, and she was breathing rapidly, "Audrey, you're burning up," said Melendez worriedly, "We need to get you to the emergency room," he tore off the covers and started throwing on his clothes.

"Neil," she started, but stopped to cough some more.

"No Audrey, there is no arguing this time. You know your lungs are weaker and that you're at a higher risk for complications. Now let's go," ordered Melendez.

Lim wanted to argue that she was fine, but she was too frail, could barely breathe without pain, and was clearly in no shape to argue, so she just nodded, threw on her jacket, and followed Melendez to his car.

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