chapter one

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"I DON'T KNOW PERCY," SAID Sally Jackson-Blofis, to her son. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's that it's a month-long vacation."

Percy Jackson was standing at the doorway to his mom and step-dad's room. His black hair matted on his forehead from waking up ten minutes prior. Percy's step-dad was on the bed with Percy's half-sister Thea.

"I say let him go," commented Paul from the bed. Thea giggled.

"Thank you, Paul," Percy replied. "C'mon, Paul would let me do it!"

Sally sighed and looked back at Paul. "Seriously," she muttered to him. Paul shrugged. With a frown, Sally looked back at her first-born. "Fine. What does your father say?"

Sally used to be married to a man named Poseidon for a decade. They slowly grew apart and even after a nasty divorce, the two remain friends and have joint custody over Percy. Poseidon has another son named Tyson who Percy is extremely close to. Sally remarried about five years after the divorce to Paul who works at the high school Percy attends. They have Thea together.

"Dad? I didn't realize I had to ask him, Mom," said Percy, noting to himself that Poseidon still has to take care of Percy whether or not he knows that Percy isn't in New York.

"Percy!" Sally exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" Percy replied, getting ready to defend his action, "Tyson's going with us so he told Dad so I don't have to."

Sally didn't look impressed when she pressed her lips into a tight line. "Hmm."


Sally looked from her son to her husband. "Fine."

Percy threw his hands in the air in triumph. "Yes! Thank you--"

"I'm not finished, Percy."

Percy put his hands back into his pockets and waited for his mother to speak. 

"You have to give me frequent updates."


"And you have to be home when you say you're going home. None of that 'can I stay three more days? Annabeth's doing it so I have to' bullshit--sorry Thea you didn't hear that--because school's starting up again and I'm pretty sure you didn't do any of your summer work." Percy blushed scarlet meaning it was most definitely true.


"Who else is going?"

"Um. Annabeth, Tyson, Ella, Jason, Piper, Grover, Leo, Calypso, Frank, Hazel, Will, Nico, Reyna and Thalia."

Sally blinked in surprise. "Fourteen others? Wow I didn't realize all of your friends were so...close."

"Yeah, that's high school for you."

"When do y'all leave?"

"I'm not sure. I'll text the groupchat."

"You better, mister."


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