chapter three

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PERCY KISSED HIS MOM, DAD, STEP-DAD and half-sister goodbye before moving his bags on the bus and sitting down in one of the seats with his and Annabeth's names on it.

Nico made sure to give the others a seating-chart to prevent commotion. More specifically, he made Leo and Percy sit far away from each other so they wouldn't make everyone mad.

He and Annabeth were in two of the seats in the back row, with Grover on the other side. Whereas, Leo and Calypso were in the second row behind Hazel and Frank. It was Nico's only way of separating the two troublemakers but Nico, in his heart, knew it wouldn't work.

"I swear to Jason's dad," Nico whispered into Percy's ear, "if you annoy me after hour four of this road trip I will punch you."

"I wouldn't doubt it," replied Percy. "Annabeth judo-flipped me that one time remember."

Nico snorted. Nobody could forget about that. "That was your own damn fault. And it will be the same reason I punch you."

Nico winked at both Percy and Annabeth and sat down in his seat again which was next to Will's.

"He's right you know," Percy said to Annabeth. He and Annabeth had been friends long enough for him to know when Annabeth was "accidentally" listening in. Annabeth looked at him in confusion. "That I deserved the flip."

"No shit, Percy."

Annabeth laughed as Percy flipped her off.

"Wake me up when we get there," Percy said, putting his earbuds in his ears and his head on the window.


HE WOKE UP ABOUT AN HOUR AND A half later because somebody dumped a bottle of water on Percy's head.

"What the fuck?!" Percy yelled. He wiped the water from his eyelashes and opened his eyes to see who it was. "Hazel?!"

Hazel turned around and stared at him. "What?" She had a faint smile on her lips that she was trying to hide behind her caramel hair.

"Bitch, you have the water bottle in your hand." He pointed to it.

Her eyes widened and she threw it at Percy's head (it hit him square in the nose) and she sat back on the couch that was at the back of the bus.

"You're lucky you're Nico's half-sister so that he wouldn't beat you up," Grover added, not looking up from what was on his phone that he was scrolling through.

"Don't count on it, Hazel," yelled Nico from where Frank was, the driver's seat.

She laughed. "Dad would be pretty pissed though!"

"Fuck!" Nico yelled again, this time sarcastic. "What ever will I do?"

Percy put his earbuds back in, trying to drown out the noise.

Annabeth stood up from the seat to join Hazel. "T'was pretty funny though." The two girls high-fived.

"Thank you, Annabeth."

"On the way back, you should do it again."

"Alright, bet."

THE REST OF THE DRIVE WENT by pretty quick to Percy, who was still sleeping. Nico forced them to stop at McDonald's for lunch and he and Will returned with 15 Happy Meals and 15 Diet Cokes and his hand out for every one to pay him however much it costed.

Percy laid his head on Annabeth's lap, who finally returned to their seat, and when he finished eating, he fell back asleep. Annabeth used this opportunity to switch seats with Jason. He sat next to Percy and slept while she and Piper were scrolling through Tinder. 

"She's kinda cute," Piper commented. They both switched their Tinder location to where they were going on vacation just in case. They were looking for girls to date (or hook up with oops) at the moment. Why they don't date each other, who knows.

"True," replied Annabeth. "Wait look in the back of the third picture." In the girls picture there was something that Annabeth didn't like: a stuffed animal head on the wall.

"Oh hell no."

"Agreed, Pipes."

They continued scrolling and laughing and occasionally swiping right.

In the back, Jason had his head on Percy's shoulder and Leo used that moment to take a photo and post it to his Snapchat story. And Nico was extremely close to putting Leo back in the seat with Calypso. 


AHH! We hit 100 reads!! I don't know if you can tell but I have writer's block which is being a pain in the ass right now and I've started writing on my main account again after like half a year of not writing on that account so that's pretty cute. I've been writing some originals too which is hard to believe cause I never publish anything but I really should. ~lInK iN bIo I gUeSs!~ I really hope that I'm not gonna have to put "slow updates" in the description because of my writer's block but who knows haha.

Thanks for putting up with me!



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