chapter six

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PERCY FOUND HIMSELF THE ON THE BEACH again for the second time in a row at nighttime. He thinks that Annabeth was listening into his and Ryan's conversation when she didn't object to Percy saying he was going out once dark hit. 

Jason, Leo and Frank were sitting on the porch when Percy stepped out. The three boys' heads all whipped to where Percy was standing when the screen door hit the frame with a slap.

Even in the dark, Percy could tell that Leo was smirking at him. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked.

"Leaving," replied Percy. "Do I need permission from you three?"

He couldn't tell which one of the three snorted in response.

"That's what I thought."

"So where're you going?" Jason asked.

"The beach."

"At night?" Frank asked, the rush in his voice an indicator that he was nervous.

"I know this place like the back of my hand, Frankie," Percy replied.

Everyone could tell that Frank was blushing even though they couldn't see him. He just blushed so often that they could just know. 

"Yeah, yeah," said Leo. "Have fun, son!"

"Fuck off!" Percy said with a laugh and walked off the porch. He could hear the three other boys laughing even as he walked further in the sand.

He used the flashlight on his phone to direct him through the sand even though he knew where he was ultimately leading. He just didn't want to step on some crab or other possible animal.

His first decision on a waiting place was along the water but Ryan's texts made him change is response.

the beach boy: that's not really specific right? everything's the beach here.

Percy texted back, changing the location for their meetup to be the lifeguard post near where they first met.

So here Percy was, sitting on the post, feeling the salty wind run through his hair. He's always been self-conscious of his hair since discovering an entirely gray strand on the side of his head. Even after Annabeth showed him her matching piece, he's felt awkward about it.

He's wanted to dye it but his mother never let him.

The thing he focused on while waiting for Ryan to show his face was the ocean in general. The water was pitch black but, to him, it felt calm. He only tore his gaze from it when he heard someone speak. "Hi there, stranger," a boy said.

Percy turned his head and used his phone flashlight to see who it was. When he saw it was Ryan, his smiled brightly. "Hi, Ryan."

Ryan smiled back and Percy felt weak at the knees. Ryan was wearing this blue t-shirt that matched the color of Jason and Thalia's eyes. Percy noted that it was a good color for the other boy.

"Lookin' gorgeous, Percy," Ryan said with a hint of a smile.

Percy turned off his flashlight. "Same with you."

Ryan stuck out his hand. "Come with me."

And Percy took Ryan's hand without complaint.


hey y'all i'm sorry it's been months but i have writer's block that's why this chapter is so short. for part two, i'm either gonna do rachel x annabeth because i have rachel to be introduced during the college portion of the story. or i could do rachel x annabeth x piper because i'm a slut for pipabeth. i'm not so sure yet but annabeth is definitely going to be in a relationship with a girl! (i made sure everyone except four characters are queer.)

also i'm going to be wrapping up act one pretty soon because i'm bored of this section. probably the next chapter is the last part to act one?? not sure yet. 

please check out my harry styles fanfiction on my main enemyfires and the link is on my profile. it's called Magic. AND!! i'm going to publish a new fic here soon! a thalia grace one because i simp for thalia grace. 


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