chapter two

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SALLY, THEA AND PAUL WENT WITH Percy to where he was going to get on the bus. By the bus, Nico's dad Hades owns a school bus that he, Nico, Nico's step-mom Persephone and his half-sister Hazel remodeled to take on road trips. 

For this trip, Hades and Persephone entrusted the Underworld (TM) to Nico and take it down south. 

It was a good thing for Percy, as Percy has had a major crush on Hades since Percy and Nico became friends a couple years ago. He was also sure that Hades knew and thought it was hilarious. Will, Nico's boyfriend, knew and makes fun of Percy whenever he sees the two together. Nico has no idea and hopefully he never does.

As soon as Percy saw Annabeth, he forced Paul to park as fast as he could, and he jumped out of the car.

"Annabeth!" he yelled, drawing the attention of both Annabeth and her mother Athena.

Athena never really liked Percy so much. She thinks that Percy has a "thing" for her daughter and she's had a feud with Percy's father since their before Percy and Annabeth were born. He's tried to tell Athena that he's gay but he thinks she forgets every time they see each other. 

Percy and Annabeth ran up to each other and hugged. They hadn't seen each other since school let out for the year which was about two weeks ago.

When they broke the hug, Percy spoke to Athena. "Hi, Miss Athena."

Athena smiled at Percy awkwardly. "Hi, Perseus. Is your father here?"

Percy shook his head. "I have no idea where Dad is but Paul's here." He pointed to where Sally, Paul and Thea were getting out of the minivan. 

She smiled at him again, this time more confident. "Thank you, Percy, I'll go say hi." And she was gone.

Percy turned back to Annabeth. Annabeth's gray eyes were stormy as always and her blonde curly hair was tied in a bun on the top of her head. "How are you?!" he asked and smiles again.

Annabeth smiled brightly. "I'm great, Percy."

"Now where's your dad?"

"Um, I think he's still in Rome."

"Ah yes, makes sense."

They both laughed and Annabeth punched Percy lightly. "I can't wait for the beach."

"Same! I can't wait so spend a month in the same bed as you." Percy winked at Annabeth, who blushed scarlet. 

"Say it a little louder so my mom hears."

Percy smirked and was about to say it louder so that Athena heard but Annabeth covered his mouth. "Shut the hell up, Seaweed Brain." Percy licked her hand. She removed it from his mouth and wiped her hand on his shirt. "Gross!"

Percy laughed and turned his head. Nico di Angelo and Will were standing with Hades and Persephone. 

Will and Nico were a year younger than Percy and Annabeth. Nico lived right next to Percy before Nico's mom and sister died in that car accident. They moved shortly after Hades got full custody of Hazel (her mom went insane and is in a mental hospital) and he married Persephone. 

Will caught Percy's attention when Will hugged Hades and he sent Percy a wink to prove that he was closer to Hades than Percy ever will. Percy flipped him off. Will stuck his tongue at him in response. 

"D'you still have a thing for Hades?" asked Annabeth.

Percy blushed. "Do you still have a thing for Connor?" Connor Stoll was from their physics class.

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