3rd Chapter

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hehe guess which god I've put in there...
Sorry that chapter seemed really long
I'll try shortening them

I sat at the eating table for a while, then guessing this guy was unable to walk, picked up his meal as well as mine and made my way to the guest room. He was still doing the same thing he was doing before, checking out my stitching and bandaging, making me slighty annoyed.'It's not a work of art, they will have to be changed soon, now here's your meal.' The man took the meal and started shoveling it into his mouth, only to  choke on it a few seconds later. 'Woah slow down!' I said laughing at this mans stupidity while thumping him on the back , 'maybe you should wait a while, anyways I've want to ask some questions' I said losing all the humour in my voice. 'Okay, go ahead' the man said in a mocking tone.

Not liking this mans disrespect I hestitated to start, took a deep breathe and fired away with all my questions. 'What's your name? Where did you come from? How did you get these injuries? Why did you come to my shelter? How come you were able to rip my door off? Why are you dressed so differently? How long are you going to stay?' I blurted out, waiting for his response. Looking startled by the amount of questions he slowly replied ' I'm Loki, god of mischief, and-', ' never heard of you, tell me your proper name', I said interrupting his response.

Looking annoyed and suprised he replied ' That is my name,Loki , I'm a norse god, a god of mischief.' Still confused I muttered 'Norse ain't a word, and I don't believe in gods...' staring off into the distance, I relised I had no reason to believe this Loki person. 'God's are immortal, they go unharmed for eternity, you here are not. You don't seem to have that much power, just enough to rip my door off I reckon. The only godly thing about you is that silly headpeice. I've got no reason to beleive you' I said confidently, voicing my thoughts to him.

'Fine' he growled, ' I'll show you what I can do '. Slowly rising from the bed he began to change before my eyes. His matted hair becoming silky, his clothes started to clean and uncrumple, his skin erased all his cuts and his stupid headpeice shinier than before. 'Okay, I'll admit it, you're a god' I said said offhandedly, 'It's a pity though you just create illusions, might as well save your energy, I can see through your disguise', I said telling the truth.


So that's the god I chose, he won't be in all of the story
I've based Loki on some avengers films, history, and other books including him
hehe this book is awful.....

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