Angst...? (GyJo)

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"Oh God, you've taken the wrong son!"


"Johnny, Johnny! Are you okay?" Asked a very worried Gyro, cradling the limp body of Johnny Joestar in his arms. 

The American gasped as he finally awoke from his nightmare, grasping Gyro's purple shirt. Johnny hated it when people treated him like a baby, the kinds of people who would talk to him like a child just because he couldn't move his legs right, but right here, right now, he allowed himself to be held in Gyro's strong arms as he cried silently. 

The Italian only whispered calming phrases to the boy, holding him close. 

"I know, I know..." He muttered in his ear as he pulled Johnny tighter. 

"I didn't, I didn't mean too-" choked Johnny through his tears, as Gyro shushed him. 

"It's not your fault, It's all okay now..." Gyro reassured, moving Johnny's hair from his eyes as his grip loosened. The Italian mindlessly dried the tears from the cowboy's face as he smiled sadly. Gyro had no clue what Johnny was upset about, but he had a feeling he could relate. He too was often was plagued by nightmares as well. 

"I'm... I'm..." He muttered his thin tears rolling down his face as he looked at the ground, too embarrassed to view Gyro in the eyes. "I'm scared..." 

"I am too amore," he sighed, gently running one of his hands through Johnny's hair soothingly and the other rubbing circles on Johnny's back. He'd never been held so gently in his entire life. It almost felt like Gyro thought he'd break Johnny if he so much as shifted in the wrong direction.  

"What does t-that mean?" Johnny hiccuped, his tears finally coming to a standstill. 

"Nothing." Smiled Gyro. "I could hear you shouting in your sleep from a mile away, what was your nightmare about?"

"My... Dad..." Frowned Johnny, his thoughts wandering back to all those years ago when his father had kicked him out of the house. 

"I feel ya." Gyro smiled slightly, ever the jokester. "We all have dad issues..."

"yeah..." Johnny weakly smiled back. 

"You don't have to tell me any more, I understand, but how about you sleep in my tent for the rest of the night? We still have the race tomorrow and maybe it'll help prevent more night terrors..." Suggested gyro, as he pulled his cap over his eyes. He'd been on watch duty only a few minutes ago when Johnny started screaming like a mad man and was ready for some well-deserved sleep. 

The Italian wasn't going to force Johnny to take watch, and what harm would it do if no one was watching over camp for the night? (Sounds like foreshadowing but I swear nothing happens, this is just a cute wholesome scene.)

Johnny blushed, looking away once more. "Yeah... I'd like that..." 

'Perfetto." Gyro smiled softly, as he finally let go of Johnny. "I'll grab your bedroll, then I'll come back for you... Does that sound good?" Asked Gyro, already started to roll up Johnny's sleeping bag. 

"I can drag myself over there... Thanks, Gyro..."

Gyro smiled, showing off his grills. "No problem, now get yourself over to my tent so you can go back to bed."


Gyro watched Johnny's chest move up and down as he breathed calmly in his sleep. After moving the American over to his tent he seemed to come at peace swiftly, quickly falling asleep a few minutes after. 

God was that boy perfect. 

Gyro could watch him do simple tasks for hours, just as long as he was with Johnny. Ever since meeting the boy in San Diego the Italian's felt a strong urge to protect the Joestar. He couldn't hold back his smile every time he woke up to get out of his tent to see Johnny drinking coffee by their fire, or when Johnny falls asleep on top of Slower Dancer because he was just "too damn tired" and "she's a good horse, I trust her". 

He closed his eyes, listening to Johnny's breathing, when Johnny suddenly, unconsciously shuffled closer to Gyro. 

The Italian blushed, his eyes going wide as Johnny laid only a few inches from him. 

"Sei Perfetto..." He whispered. 

Idk I umm, tried I guess you could say??? Anyways it got kinda wholesome but it's 11:27 PM where I live and I gotta go fishing tomorrow at 6 am cuz my dads dragging me along to get me out of quarantine and now I'm just osdjsnkjpwjekwrhfjehgiojw ya know? 

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