"You Jurassicanot Stop me Hot Pants" (Dinopants)

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HP and Diego had been looking throughout the lake for almost an hour now. Diego digging giant holes in the sand quicker than humanly possible and Hot Pants searching underneath each rock. She dared not leave one stone unturned, not when it was the corpse parts they where looking for. 

"Hey Hot Pants!" Shouted the dinosaur, waving his hand to get her attention. "I think I've found something!" Diego had wandered over to an abandoned dock, the structure barely holding onto the sand. Vines had crawled on top of the old wood and the end of the dock looked more seaweed then timber. 

Hot Pants jogged over to the blonde, looking the dock up and down. The disdain on her face must have been evident because Diego smirked. 

"You gonna walk on it?"

"Where's that something you've found?" She asked instead, walking around to the other side of the pier. 

"In the water, I saw it with my 'Scary Monsters'." Grinned Diego, moving his fingers up and down to show off his funky "Dino Powers". Hot Pants rolled her eyes and took one, cautious step onto the dock. 

The wood creaked beneath her boots as she slowly made her way across. Diego followed, watching as she got down on her knees to look in the water. 

Promptly, Diego saw two opportunities. Be a dick and shove Hot Pants in the river, or point out the potential corpse part to her. 

After some internal bickering, Diego stepped closer too her.

Now, this is Diego Brando we're thinking about so of course, he's gonna be a dick. 

Hot Pants yelped as her body made contact with the freezing cold lake water. "Diego you son of a bitch!" She groaned as she went under, her hands waving about. Diego smiled, content with his bastard-ness.  

Diego sighed happily, posing with his hands on his hips. Then fifteen seconds later Hot Pants still didn't resurface. 

"Hot pants...?" Called Diego, searching the water. 


Nah, she couldn't drown, Hot Pants once told Diego that she's only going down fighting a bear and cursing out the US President, and if that's not the way she dies then she's not gonna die. 

At least, that's what Diego thought. 

"H... Hot Pants?" Diego called out more harshly. He didn't like to admit it but the dinosaur couldn't help but care for the grumpy pink-haired woman he met along the race.  

No response.

Diego was truly starting to panic as he threw off his helmet and stripped away his boots. (What? No matter how much he liked Hot Pants he still wasn't letting his clothing get ruined, that shit was Gucci) 

As gracefully as a half velociraptor man could he jumped into the water after her, splashing and struggling to swim with his sweater. He hissed as he dunked his head underwater, Opening his eyes to search for a flash of pink hair. 

"Hot Pants!" He gurgled, resurfacing while getting a mouthful of disgusting lake water. His blonde hair stuck to his eyes, making him look utterly stupid. 

When Diego pushed his heavy blonde hair from his eyes he only had a second to register the familiar hand hoisting Cream Starter in front of him. 

"Hot Pan-!" He got a mouth full of flesh as he raised his hands in defense. 

"That's what you get, you annoying fuck." Growled the woman, as she watched Diego tear at his mouth in defeat, trying to get Cream Starter off him. 

She smirked. "I'm flattered that you'd jump in after me but if you think I'd let myself die at your moronic hands you're dead wrong." 

Diego muffled a response still struggling in about, splashing Hot Pants in the process. 

"Jesus, here." She gave in letting Diego speak again. 

"Bloody hell, I hate it when you do that!" he barked, stretching his jaw. However, Diego couldn't stop himself from smiling at her, showing off his sharp pearly whites. He was glad HP was okay. 


Diego groaned, pulling his wet breeches from his legs to show HP how soggy they'd gotten. "Look at this Hot Pant's!" He exclaimed. "Do you know how much these cost me!" 

He threw his arms in a little tantrum. Sometimes he reminded Hot Pants of a very angry toddler. 

Still, she couldn't help but love him. 


This one's a little shorter than usual but my online school work has been a lot weekly. 

I love HP and Diego too much so I asked one of my good friends to give me a random prompt for me to write about and she said: "One of them pushes the other in the lake." Thanks, Katelyn. So if any of you have ships or scenarios you wanna see just comment!

Stay safe!

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